Sustainable Development Goals

Transforming our world: As part of society, Commerzbank is making its contribution to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Graphic shows all 17 goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are intended to ensure sustainable development from an economic, social, and ecological perspective. The 17 goals with a total of 169 sub-goals address economic growth, disparities in living standards and equal opportunities, sustainable use of natural resources and human rights.

How did the SDGs come about?

The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the SDGs, with a runtime until 2030, by consensus in New York in September 2015. To enable concrete actions, the SDGs are to be implemented by all states, civil society and the private sector, particularly at a regional and local level.

Commerzbank’s contribution to the SDGs

Commerzbank also has a responsibility to contribute to the SDGs. We are primarily focusing our efforts on those goals which we have the greatest impact on by means of our business model. Therefore, the environmental SDGs are our initial strategic focus: After all, protecting ecological livelihoods is a prerequisite for social stability and economic prosperity, which is where our greatest impact lever as a financial institution lies. In the overview below, we illustrate precisely how Commerzbank contributes to the achievement of each goal.

Client Transformation
, We enable our customers to implement their sustainable transformation


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Commerzbank has been engaged in the financing of renewable energies since the 1980s. Commerzbank's expertise on the subject of energy is located in the Center of Competence Energy, which was founded in 2003 and nowadays ranks among the largest financiers of renewable energies in Europe. At the locations in Hamburg and New York more than 50 employees provide support to manufacturers, suppliers, project developers and investors with a focus on the technologies wind on- and offshore as well as solar (photovoltaics, solar thermal power plants).

The energy transition is also a relevant topic for small and medium-sized enterprises. Energy efficiency not only contributes to climate protection, but also to a significant reduction in energy costs. Commerzbank is one of the leading banks in the usage of public subsidies for corresponding investments by SMEs – such as commercial energy efficiency programs of the KFW – and advises its Corporate Clients on the development of suitable financing solutions.

The transformation towards affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy is one of the great challenges that we face in this decade. These demands of the SDGs show that conflicting goals exist within the transformation of energy generation. That is because nationwide, reliable energy is currently not yet possible without fossil fuel-based power generation. To improve this situation, Commerzbank has already issued two Green Bonds of its own, each with an issue volume of 500 million euros. With the proceeds, the bank finances projects in the field of renewable energies. In addition to investments in renewable energies, Commerzbank also promotes energy-efficient construction and renovation of buildings.


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Personal freedom and self-determination also include financial freedom, asset accumulation and a secure retirement provision. With its “finanz-heldinnen” (translates to: finance heroes) initiative, Commerzbank is facilitating women to be enthusiastic about finance. The initiative was founded at the beginning of 2018 by female employees of comdirect with the aim of making a positive contribution to society. To help women become more familiar with the topic of finance and make their own financial decisions, finanz-heldinnen provides a wide range of knowledge offerings: Online magazine, podcast, afterworks and Instagram channel, as well as the “Manager-Magazin” bestselling book “Der Finanzplaner für Frauen” (translates to: financial planner for women). Commerzbank also created a network for women with the #togetherstronger initiative, which creates exchange and knowledge about finance. The faces of the campaign include entrepreneur and model Sara Nuru and comedian, human rights activist and entrepreneur Enissa Amani. They speak out for more diversity, more courage and more financial freedom.


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Commerzbank handles around 30 % of German foreign trade and is the market leader in financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The key role played by German SMEs in employment and economic activity goes hand in hand with a special responsibility. After all, SMEs are Germany’s economic and employment engine. They are the driving force behind innovations and a strong partner for large companies worldwide. In 2021, Commerzbank additionally assisted the European Union in issuing two social bonds under the “Sure program”. This supports member states in combating the consequences of Covid-19, in particular to secure jobs in the EU.

Commerzbank’s human rights position in general commits the bank to respecting the rights of its employees, customers and other parties involved in its supplier relationships, and monitors products, transactions and other relationships for compliance with this position as part of its reputation risk management. Commerzbank’s Code of Conduct stipulates that all employees worldwide must respect human and personal rights as fundamental rules of the community and also expect their business partners to do the same. In defining the content of human rights, Commerzbank refers to the internationally accepted human rights standards, which include the UN International Bill of Human Rights and the IKLO core labour standards. Commerzbank is also part of the UN Global Compact. In addition, Commerzbank is a signatory to the “Diversity Charter” of companies in Germany and thus sends a visible signal to employees, customers and business partners regarding the clear acceptance of individuality and diversity. By recommending the usage of gender-appropriate and inclusive language, we are sensitizing our workforce to people who may not feel included in the previous language patterns.

Bank Transformation
, We lead by example


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

In 2021, Commerzbank set itself the goal of reducing its entire own banking operations to net zero by 2040 as part of its Net Zero Strategy. By 2025, greenhouse gas emissions at Commerzbank are already to be reduced by 30 % compared to 2018. Commerzbank’s banking operations have already been climate-neutral since 2015; in domestic locations, the bank has been using exclusively green electricity since 2013, with the proportion also exceeding 90 % on a global scale. Commerzbank offsets emissions that cannot yet been avoided by purchasing CO2 certificates, preferably from renewable energy generation projects in developing countries.


Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Health management is a key concern at Commerzbank and has been pursued in a strategic approach since 2006: The aim is to promote mental and physical health as well as social well-being of all employees. Therefore, Commerzbank communicates health knowledge through a variety of formats. Furthermore, there are bank-wide exercise campaigns and a wide range of different sport activities as part of the corporate sports program. Commerzbank also tries to actively promote the well-being of its employees by providing places in daycare centres, exceptional childcare, holiday care, and events for parents. At the same time, Commerzbank offers free nursing care advice, regular nursing care workshops and time off for nursing care that go beyond the statutory regulations. With increasingly flexible working opportunities alternating between the workplace and home office, the bank is also offering more time sovereignty, which will have a positive impact on employees’ work-life balance.


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Gender equality is a central theme of Commerzbank’s diversity strategy. Diverse teams often demonstrate better performance and are also essential for the success of the company in view of internationalization and demographic change. Although women account for about 53 % of the Commerzbank workforce, they are not yet equally represented at management level. For this reason, the conditions regarding work-life balance have been further improved in recent years in order to open up new career opportunities that are particularly relevant for women. These factors include in-company childcare, innovative part-time models – including for executives – and structured return options to prevent dropouts. To this end, the “return guarantee after parental leave” model, for instance, was extended to all Commerzbank employees in 2021. In recent years, these and other measures have enabled Commerzbank to increase the proportion of women in management positions to more than 30 % across the Group. Our Board of Managing Directors has already set a next target of 40 % across all management levels by the end of 2030.

All areas of Commerzbank are explicitly tasked with actively approaching suitable female employees when filling vacancies. The aim is to further increase the proportion of female candidates for management positions when new positions are appointed. As a support measure, the bank already offers awareness workshops on the topic of diversity and inclusion at foreign locations. In the Boston Consulting Group’s Gender Diversity Index, the bank has steadily improved its ranking and has now reached 12th place among 99 German companies. The minimum goal is to maintain this position.