Customer satisfaction

Living transparency and fairness in customer relationships

Our goal: satisfied customers

We can only be successful in the long term if our customers are satisfied. That is why our offering is geared to the interests of our customers. And that's why customer satisfaction is one of the most important indicators in the evaluation of our business success.

Sustainably increase customer satisfaction

We use various methods to create transparency about the satisfaction of our customers with the aim of continuously improving customer satisfaction.

Experiential touchpoint survey,
Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT, 5 star rating)

Measuring and improving customer satisfaction on an operational level means living customer proximity every day. The CSAT serves ideally for this undertaking. Our customers can get in contact with the bank by many different channels such as visiting one of our branches, calling our service center or visiting our mobile app. Each channel comes with its own challenges in order to make it comprehensible and customer friendly. For this reason we constantly survey the customer experience, separately for each channel. The results of the survey are then processed and support the improvement of our customer experience.

Customer barometer,
Strategic survey of customer loyalty

Commerzbank also gathers important information as part of its strategic customer loyalty survey "Kundenbarometer". For this purpose, the bank surveys around 7,000 customers in the Private and Small-Business Customers segment over the course of the year. It also surveys around 1,000 customers in the Corporate Clients segment. The survey includes key figures on overall satisfaction, recommendation and competitive advantage. These are then aggregated to form the "KUBIX" customer loyalty index. An assessment of individual elements of the bank's performance, such as product and service components, supplements the indicators. Together, this information is intended to help improve the qualitative perception of customers.

UX Research,
Customer-centric product and service development

Customer satisfaction also depends on whether the products and services meet and support the needs and requirements of customers using them.

The UX/UI department accompanies new and further digital developments and initiates customer-centric innovation processes. This ensures that the customer experience (CX) meets our qualitative standards. In other words, the experiences customers have with our products, services and channels are positive ones.

Customers are involved in the different phases of a product such as ideation, conception, design and development. This creates a continuous dialog, sometimes in the "User experience (UX) Studio" which is set up specifically for this purpose.

Understanding customer concerns: Complaint Management,
We take your concerns seriously because your opinion is important to us!

We take your concerns seriously because your opinion is important to us!
Commerzbank can only be successful in the long term if our customers are satisfied with the banking service they receive and experience us as "the bank at their side". Should a customer nevertheless have cause for dissatisfaction, we want to work with him or her to find solutions that will restore his or her satisfaction. This includes understanding our customers' concerns, rectifying any mistakes that have arisen, and finding a fair solution that works for both sides.

Our customers can submit their concerns to us via the complaint form, by phone via the hotline and our advice centers, in person at a branch, or in writing.

Complaint form

The easiest way to address your complaint is to use our complaint form.

-> To the form (German only)

Telephone hotline

How to reach us by phone.

-> 069 98 66 09 33

Letter or email

You are also welcome to address your concerns in writing.
Postal address:
Commerzbank AG
Complaints Management
40300 Düsseldorf

By email at:

Important note: Regardless of the way you address your complaint, please provide the following data so that we can process your complaint in the best possible way and in your interest:

  • Your account number
  • The specific reason for complaint
  • Your telephone number for any queries
  • What specific solutions do you want from us?

Three steps,
Complaint management process

Step 1,

Understand/analyse concerns

What exactly happened and when? A specific description of the problem helps us to analyse and research the concern.

Step 2,

Search solutions

Together, we look for a fair solution that is acceptable to both sides. We try to remedy the problem.

Step 3,

Create/improve satisfaction

Fast problem solving and transparent communication helps to improve/ restore the satisfaction of our costumers.

Feedback on your complaint

Our goal is to respond to all complaints within seven business days. If we recognise that it will take longer to resolve your complaint, we will inform you of the expected response time.

Other complaint options: Unfortunately, it may also happen that we do not find a satisfactory solution for you. In that case, you always have the option of contacting another office with your concern or appealing to the ordinary courts.