Election update Germany – Who will be in the next parliament?

There has been little movement in the polls for the Bundestag elections over the Christmas period and the turn of the year.

Dr. Ralph Solveen

Commerzbank Economic Research


The CDU/CSU continue to lead the field despite slight losses, and there is still no sign of the SPD catching up. With the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance, the Liberals and the Left Party, three parties are still just above or below the 5% threshold, making their entry into the Bundestag uncertain. Their success or failure could have a major impact on the formation of the government.

CDU/CSU still clearly ahead in the polls

Just under 5 weeks before the Bundestag elections, the changes in the election polls are still limited. Despite slight losses, the combination of the Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian sister party (CSU) is still clearly in the lead with a good 30% (Chart 1). The right-wing AfD and the Greens have made some gains in recent weeks, while the Social Democrats (SPD) remain trapped in a narrow range between 15% and 16%. So far, there is no indication that they will rapidly close the gap to the CDU/CSU as they did in the hot phase of the last general election campaign.

BSW only just over the 5% hurdle, ...

Perhaps the most important change of the past week is the further decline in the ratings of the “Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance” (BSW), a new left-wing party founded just one year ago. While the polls shortly after the BSW's election successes in the three state elections in September were still predicting an average vote share of 8% and thus a secure entry into the Bundestag, the party is currently only averaging 5.1% in the polls we look at, with two projections suggesting it would currently fail to clear the 5% threshold with 4%.

... FDP and Left Party still below

There has been little change in the polls for the Liberals (FDP) and the Left Party, both of which remain below 5%. The FDP's poll ratings are still slightly higher than those of the Left Party.

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