News from 2024
Current announcements and achievement
, Apply now for a Commerzbank Environmental Internship 2024The application phase for the Commerzbank Environmental Internship 2025 has started. From now on, students with a passion for nature can apply for one of 60 internships in 22 national parks and biosphere reserves. The deadline is 15 January 2025. Applications for the open-air semester are available online at (german only).
, Sustainable Finance SummitThe summit of the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany e.V. serves to discuss key questions and challenges in the field of sustainable finance. For example, how the sustainable transformation can be jointly advanced by the financial and real economy sectors. Representatives of the Net Zero Banking Alliance Germany member banks and around 110 participants attended both on-site in Frankfurt and online. They were presented with the initial results of the Sustainability Transformation Monitor 25 and discussed the dependencies and interactions between the real economy and the financial industry concerning the financing of the transformation.
, GRI Report 2023 publishedCommerzbank presents its Sustainability Report 2023 in accordance with the GRI standards. This GRI Report is published in an online format including a PDF download. With this annual overview, we provide detailed data and facts about our sustainability performance and cover all major developments of the bank in the year under review.
This report also serves as our annual Communication on Progress regarding our implementation of the United Nations' Global Compact (UNGC). Its ten principles for human and labor rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption as well as the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations form the basis of our sustainability work.
Recognition of our commitment from 2023
Commerzbank systematically fulfils its corporate responsibility in the various fields of action. We are pleased that our commitment is regularly recognised with awards.
, Commerzbank wins two awards for sustainability projectsThe Commerzbank Environmental Internship and ESG Framework are honoured with the German Award for Sustainability Projects 2023. A top-class jury from science, business and the media, chaired by Yvonne Zwick, Chairwoman of B.A.U.M. e.V., evaluated the submissions. Out of a total of 283 nominations, Commerzbank was able to convince with two projects and win awards. The award was presented for the third time by the German Institute for Service Quality, the news channel ntv and the DUP UNTERNEHMER magazine. The focus of the award is on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in the social, economic and environmental areas.
Sustainability ranking
, Corporate Knights Global 100Commerzbank is the only German bank to be listed in Corporate Knights' "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index" (G100) for the fourth time in a row this year. In the 2023 Global 100, Commerzbank is ranked 85th. In a sector comparison, the bank is ranked 6th.
Decisive factors for the successful listing are in particular
- Retaining our employees
- Diversity, especially on the board
- the consideration of sustainability in variable remuneration and
- The large portfolio of renewable energies compared to the competition
Sustainable Operations
, Award for environmental protection in office organisationFor its commitment to environmental protection in office organisation, Commerzbank was awarded first place in the category "Companies with over 500 employees" by B.A.U.M. e.V. in the "Office and Environment" 2022 competition.
News-Archive 2024
- 06/04/2024
Commerzbank acquires majority stake in Aquila Capital Investmentgesellschaft
Commerzbank AG acquires 74,9% of Aquila Capital Investmentgesellschaft. Both companies had announced this decision in January 2024. By acquiring the Hamburg-based asset manager Aquila Capital Investmentgesellschaft, Commerzbank expands sustainable asset management and market position in real asset investments. Aquila Capital Investmentgesellschaft manages sustainable real asset portfolios with a focus on renewable energy for more than 300 mainly institutional clients. The cooperation intends to develope Aquila Capital Investmentgesellschaft into a leading asset manager for sustainable investment strategies in Europe.
See the Press Release - 05/22/2024
International Day for Biological Diversity
Sustainability goes far beyond climate protection - topics such as biodiversity and species protection are also essential factors for our prosperity. For this reason, Commerzbank is increasingly committed to the sustainable use and protection of our biological diversity. The introduction of our own position on deforestation was a significant milestone last year. With the customer requirements formulated there, we aim to minimize the deforestation of forests in our customer portfolio. In addition, we report in accordance with the requirements of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) in our Non-Financial Report 2023 for the first time. This increases our transparency about nature-related risks and opportunities and helps us to identify future fields of action, develop concrete goals and improve the protection of biodiversity. The topic is also gaining in importance in politics and regulation. The upcoming EU Deforestation Directive (EUDR) is occupying many of our customers and the attention of the financial supervisory authorities is also continuously increasing. Biodiversity will also continue to gain relevance for us at Commerzbank.
More on Biodiversity at Commerzbank
Go to the non financial report - 04/15/2024
Start of the Commerzbank-Environmental Internship 2024
This spring, 53 students came together again in the Bavarian Forest National Park to prepare for their internships in natural landscapes throughout Germany as part of a joint introductory seminar. These assignments include various national parks and biosphere reserves, which receive active support from the environmental interns in the areas of environmental education and public relations. Thanks to funding from Commerzbank, it has been possible to make targeted investments in the training of more than 2,000 young people in the context of environmental education since the project was launched 34 years ago.
To the environmental internship website (German only)
See Press Release of Nationale Naturlandschaften e.v. (German only) - 03/23/2024
Earth Hour 2024: Together for more climate protection
Commerzbank once again participated in the worldwide Earth Hour and switched off the lights for one hour at 8.30 p.m. on 23rd of March at selected locations in Frankfurt and Berlin. The joint campaign also motivates people to live and act in a more environmentally friendly way far beyond the 60 minutes. Commerzbank is pursuing this goal with its own climate strategy.
More information about our sustainability strategy - 03/19/2024
Non-financial report for 2023 published
Commerzbank publishes its non-financial report for the year 2023. It provides information on the sustainability acitivities and milestones achieved in 2023. It makes transparent which topics we are adressing and are planning to adress in the furture. The focus is on Commerzbank's Net Zero targets. Among other things, the report is oriented toward the requirements of the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and, for the first time, the requirements of the Taskforce on Nature related Financial Disclosure (TNFD). In addition, information required by the EU Taxonomy Regulation has been included and extended.
Go to the non financial report - 03/17/2024
Commerzbank achieves top position in Capital’s sustainable banks test
A study by Capital examined the offerings of the participating financial institutions in relation to sustainability. The 18 study participants were analyzed and evaluated in terms of sustainability of the financial company, sustainable product offering and sustainable financing and lending. Commerzbank leads in the category "Sustainability in the Bank" and achieved the third place in the overall ranking, which distinguishes Commerzbank as one of the most sustainable financial institutions in Germany.
Full Article (German only) - 02/06/2024
Improved result for Commerzbank in CDP-Rating
Commerzbank received gratifying news with the release of the CDP rating results: We were able to improve our score from C to B. We achieved particularly good results in the categories Emissions reduction initiatives and low carbon products, Governance as well as Risk Management processes. This success is an additional incentive for us to further pursue our sustainability goals.
Rating Overview
CDP Website - 02/01/2024
Successful participation in the Veganuary
With the first month of the year going by, we successfully completed the Veganuary at Commerzbank, together with more than 1000 other participating companies throughout Germany. For a whole month, all canteens of Commerzbank offered a plant-based alternative on the menu as part of the "Veganuary Workplace Challenge".
Here you can find out more about Veganuary as well as a wrap-up of the whole month. - 01/17/2024
Commerzbank once again in Corporate Knights' "Global 100" ranking
This year, we are once again among the 100 most sustainable companies in the world: As one of only six German companies, we are listed in the Global 100 Index by Corporate Knights. This renewed success is an additional incentive for us to pursue our sustainability goals, most notably our net zero commitment.
Visit the Corporate Knights Website
Rating Overview - 01/12/2024
New Commerzbank position on Deforestation
In order to actively address the growing global challenge of deforestation, the Bank has strengthened and expanded its position regarding the sectors of forestry, palm oil, beef and soy. All corporate customers operating in sectors and regions with a high risk of deforestation are obligated to demonstrate their commitment to preventing deforestation through relevant memberships (RSPO, GRSB) and/or certifications (FSC/PEFC, RTRS, RSPO) by the end of 2025 at the latest. These requirements apply to new customers with immediate effect.
To the ESG-Framework
News-Archiv 2023
- 06.12.2023
Action-Plan Inclusion 2.0 adopted
With our new Action Plan 2.0, we are combining inclusion even more closely with our commitment to diversity and sustainability.
Sustainably inclusive.
To the Action-Plan Inclusion 2.0 - 17.11.2023
CO₂ emissions of the Annual General Meeting 2023 offset
Commerzbank has offset the greenhouse gas emissions of 22 tonnes caused by its Annual General Meeting 2023 with CO₂ certificates from climate protection projects. The AGM has been held as a virtual event since 2020.
learn more
Carbon Offset Certificate - 01.11.2023
Apply now for a Commerzbank Environmental Internship 2024
The application phase for the Commerzbank Environmental Internship 2024 has started. From now on, students with a passion for nature can apply for one of 60 internships in 22 national parks and biosphere reserves. The deadline is 15 January 2024. Applications for the open-air semester are available online at (german only). - 28.09.2023
Commerzbank receives award for sustainability-reporting
This year, our GRI balance sheet for 2022 was awarded second place in ESG Investing in the „Best Company for Sustainability Reporting - Finance“ category. The independent jury of experts awarded the Corporate ESG Award for the third time in seven different categorys. - 21.09.2023
Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF)
PCAF provides a comprehensive Greenhouse Gas (GHG) accounting and reporting standard that enables financial institutions to calculate and report GHG emissions and intensities for six asset classes along well-founded standards. These asset classes include corporate bonds, project finance, commercial real estate, and mortgages. Standardised and internationally recognised calculation methods support SBTI objectives and calculations and help aligning the credit and investment portfolio towards net zero emissions and decarbonisation. Compatibility with other initiatives and standards (e.g., SBTI, TCFD) as well as access to exclusive emission data sets were further arguments for joining PCAF.
To our memberships & initiatives
Press Release - 06.06.2023
Commerzbank wins two awards for sustainability projects
The Commerzbank Environmental Internship and ESG Framework are honoured with the German Award for Sustainability Projects 2023. A top-class jury from science, business and the media, chaired by Yvonne Zwick, Chairwoman of B.A.U.M. e.V., evaluated the submissions. Out of a total of 283 nominations, Commerzbank was able to convince with two projects and win awards. The award was presented for the third time by the German Institute for Service Quality, the news channel ntv and the DUP UNTERNEHMER magazine. The focus of the award is on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in the social, economic and environmental areas.
Learn more (german only) - 01.06.2023
Commerzbank has top ESG offering according to Capital study
In a study by Capital, "the best of the sustainable" banks and asset managers were sought. The study participants were analysed and evaluated based on the categories portfolio assessment, product transparency and ESG in the company. Commerzbank achieved the best overall rating among all participating banks and independent asset managers. Commerzbank thus took 1st place in the ranking and received the award "Top ESG Offer", which attests to the very good ESG implementation in the company as well as in the submitted portfolio of its asset management.
Asset Management Sustainability (german only) - 22.05.2023
Commerzbank joins the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure (TNFD)
Commerzbank has been an official supporter of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) since April 2023. This enables us to make nature-related opportunities and risks for our credit portfolio transparent. The TNFD recommendations are the basis for consistent and comparable reporting on the impact of biodiversity loss. They are based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Since 2022, we have published the TCFD report in our non-financial report. Our TNFD report will also be published in our non-financial report for the first time in 2023. - 30.03.2023
SBTi validates Commerzbank's ambitious CO2 reduction targets
The Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) has validated Commerzbank's CO2 reduction targets for 2030. This makes Commerzbank the first German credit institution to receive a seal of approval from SBTi for its CO2 reduction targets.
Learn more - 27.03.2023
Non-financial statement for 2022 is online
Commerzbank publishes its non-financial statement for 2022 in a new layout. It provides information on the Bank's sustainability performance and its key topics: Climate Protection and Adaptation, Environmental Protection and Biodiversity, and Circular Economy. Among other things, the report is based on the requirements of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). In addition, disclosures that are required by the EU Taxonomy Regulation have been included.
Learn more (german only) - 25.03.2023
Earth Hour 2023: Together for more climate protection
Commerzbank once again participated in the worldwide Earth Hour and switched off the lights for one hour at 8.30 p.m. on 25 March at selected locations in Frankfurt and Berlin. The joint campaign also motivates people to live and act in a more environmentally friendly way far beyond the 60 minutes. Commerzbank is pursuing this goal with its own climate strategy.
To the report - 30.01.2023
Commerzbank's environmental guidelines updated
Text: Environmental protection is a central component of our daily activities and is firmly anchored in our corporate strategy. With our environmental guidelines, we lay down clear rules for environmentally compatible business activities.
Learn more - 25.01.2023
New regulations for armaments and surveillance technology
Text: With the introduction of the Defence Transactions Directive in 2008, clear limits were already set for transactions and business relationships related to the critical sector of armaments, which have now been extended and tightened with the revision of our Directive
ESG Framework - 18.01.2023
Listed again in the "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index"
Commerzbank is the only German bank to be listed in Corporate Knights'
"Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index" (G100) for
the fifth time in a row this year. Commerzbank is ranked 85th in the 2023 Global 100 and 6th in the sector comparison.
Learn more
News archive 2022
- 07.11.2022
The countdown is on: Apply now for an environmental internship 2023
The application phase for the Commerzbank Environmental Internship 2023 has started. From now on, students with a passion for nature can apply for one of 60 internships in 22 national parks and biosphere reserves. The deadline is 15 January 2023. Applications for the open-air semester can be made
online at (german only) - 05.07.2022
GRI Report 2021 published
Commerzbank presents its Sustainability Report 2021 in accordance with the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative. This GRI Report is published in a new online format including a PDF download. With this annual overview, we explain in detail the facts and figures of our sustainability performance. The GRI Report is also our progress report on the implementation of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.
Learn more (german only) - 04.07.2022
Commerzbank in dialogue on sustainability
At the second public sustainability dialogue, Commerzbank presented its new ESG framework. In addition, ambitious targets were the focus of the exchange: volume of sustainable products more than EUR 200 billion by the end of 2022, doubling the financing volume for renewable energies to EUR 10 billion by 2025 and significant CO2 reduction in the customer portfolio by 2030. The event can be viewed in the webcast.
Learn more - 04.06.2022
Sustainability in Corporate Banking
Sustainability is firmly anchored in the Bank's strategy. Martin Seimetz, Project Manager Sustainability in the Corporate Client Business, explains what this means for the corporate client business. - 24.05.2022
Commerzbank establishes sustainability advisory board
The Board of Managing Directors has established a sustainability advisory board made up of external experts. This makes Commerzbank one of the first major banks in Germany to have such a panel. The new advisory board is intended to help advance the issue of sustainability. "I am convinced that the critical view of the experts will help us to develop and prioritise measures," says CEO Manfred Knof.
Learn more - 22.05.2022
1st place for non-financial report
In the ranking of sustainability reports by Zielke Research Consult, Commerzbank took 1st place among 110 German credit institutions evaluated. In the Environment section, the bank scored particularly well with its transparent presentation of measures to reduce CO2 emissions and integrate ESG criteria into its lending activities. In the area of Social, the high quota of women in management positions and the high inclusion rate were highlighted as well as the social benefits for employees and the disclosure of customer satisfaction scores. Full marks were awarded in the area of governance. - 20.05.2022
German offshore electricity for medium-sized industrial companies
RWE and Commerzbank have signed a letter of intent. The plan is to build a joint offshore wind farm with a capacity of around 1 gigawatt. A "green SME fund" is to provide companies with access to green electricity production. "Medium-sized companies are the success factor of the German economy. With this innovative offer, we want to give these companies in particular access to green electricity production from offshore wind farms and thus contribute to financing the energy turnaround in Germany," explains Michael Kotzbauer, Member of the Board of Managing Directors for Corporate Clients at Commerzbank.
Learn more - 21.04.2022
One year Net Zero Banking Alliance
Commerzbank joined the Net Zero Banking Alliance exactly one year ago. Since then, the bank has already achieved many successes: Compared to 2020, Commerzbank has almost doubled its sustainable business volume. At the end of 2021, this was over 190 billion euros. In the corporate customer business, the bank is doing very well, especially with sustainable bonds and sustainability-linked loans. With private clients, every fourth construction loan is already green. Through the KPI-linked loan, the bank also incentivises sustainable action with an interest rate rebate, and the new Fossil Fuels Policy also brings the bank closer to its Net Zero target.
Learn more - 28.03.2022
Lights off. Climate protection on.
Commerzbank once again participated in the worldwide Earth Hour and switched off the lights for one hour at selected locations in Frankfurt and Berlin at 8.30 p.m. on the 26th of March. This year, Earth Hour also stands for a joint sign for peace in Ukraine, in Europe and around the world. Even far beyond the 60 minutes, the joint action motivates people to live and act in a more environmentally friendly way. Commerzbank is pursuing this goal with its own climate strategy.
Learn more - 28.03.2022
Non-financial report 2021 published
Non-financial factors also have an impact on Commerzbank's Group success. We therefore report on environmental, employee, customer and social issues as well as on respect for human rights and combating corruption and bribery in accordance with the CSR Directive Implementation Act. For the first time, we are also following the requirements of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The non-financial report will be published in the Annual Report 2021 and has been audited by the auditing firm Ernst & Young. - 15.03.2022
Commerzbank joins the Biodiversity in Good Company Initiative
Biodiversity is increasingly becoming the focus of sustainability debates. Commerzbank will also place greater strategic focus on this topic in the future. By joining the "Biodiversity in Good Company"
initiative, we are taking a first step towards joining forces with other companies to promote the sustainable use of the world's biodiversity.
Learn more - 15.02.2022
Sustainable digital asset management
"cominvest green" is the new sustainable investment with comdirect's robo-advisor. The global investment universe consists of ETFs and ETCs in nine asset classes, which are also selected according to environmental, social and ethical aspects (ESG criteria) in addition to the selection standards of the classic cominvest investment. The portfolio composition is based on an individual risk profile, is permanently monitored and automatically adjusted to the market situation. In the special offer for the launch of cominvest green, the first two months of sustainable digital asset management are free for investments of 3,000 euros or more until 30 March. In addition, five e-bike vouchers worth 3,500 euros each will be raffled off among the campaign participants.
Learn more (german only) - 11.02.2022
Commerzbank among the CDP Supplier Engagement Leaders
Commerzbank has once again been appreciated by the international non-profit organisation CDP for its commitment to climate protection in the supply chain. This places Commerzbank among the top 10% of companies assessed. Commerzbank in particular sets an example for the environmental and social compatibility of purchased products and services with its standard for sustainable procurement and the supplier self-disclosure form. - 28.01.2022
Further step towards Net Zero
All areas of Commerzbank are required to achieve the bank's Net Zero targets. One current measure is the replacement of 120 fans on the recooling units of a Commerzbank data centre in Frankfurt, which will save 1,000,000 kWh per year. This corresponds to the average electricity consumption of 235 4-person households per year. The high energy savings are not the only advantage: the new fans also ensure higher operational reliability, lower operating and maintenance costs, more even flow and reduced vibration noise.
Learn more - 19.01.2022
Ranked 60th in the "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index"
Text: Commerzbank is ranked in Corporate Knights' "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index" (G100) for the fourth year in a row this year, making it one of only six German companies and also the only German bank. In the 2022 Global 100, Commerzbank is ranked 60th, improving 7 places compared to the previous year. "The holistic approach we take with our sustainability strategy is therefore paying off. This is both, an incentive and recognition at the same time," says Bettina Storck, Head of Group Sustainability Management.
Learn more - 06.01.2022
Employee commitment: "We" at Christmas
Many colleagues took part in charity campaigns at Commerzbank in the
run-up to Christmas, setting an example of solidarity and humanity. - 03.01.2022
The countdown is on: Apply now for an environmental internship 2022
The application portal is only open until 15 January for a Commerzbank environmental internship in Germany's most beautiful natural landscapes. Up to 75 students can complete an open-air semester in one of the 27 participating national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves in 2022.
Learn more
News archive 2021
- 13.12.2021
Commerzbank pushes coal phase-out 2030
Commerzbank has adopted a new guideline for fossil fuels - with the aim of pushing the coal phase-out by 2030 and advancing the sustainable transformation of the real economy. In addition to coal, the handling of companies from the oil and gas sectors is also taken into account. The new policy is another important step towards Net Zero and underlines the Bank's ambition to steer financial flows towards the Paris climate goal.
Learn more - 10.12.2021
Raising customer awareness of climate protection
Customers can now determine their individual carbon footprint with the mobile banking app - another milestone in Commerzbank's digitalisation and sustainability strategy. We explain the application in the online magazine "Commerzbanker".
Learn more (german only) - 26.11.2021
Asked about: Sustainable asset management
Why invest your money responsibly? We asked our client Wolfgang Kropp, CEO of the Svevind Group. The company has been building wind and solar power plants worldwide for 25 years. The interview with him and his bank advisor Hans-Walter Wittig can be read in the online magazine "Commerzbanker".
- 16.11.2021
Going paperless? Get rid of paper!
The "Paperless Bank" initiative is one of Commerzbank's good intentions for 2022, focusing on customer correspondence but also on internal processes. The online magazine "Commerzbanker" explains the background to this.
- 02.11.2021
Commerzbank in top group
The "Focus Money" study 2021 which is developed by the german business magazine of Focus Magazin Verlag in cooperation with the Cologne-based consulting and analysis company ServiceValue, rated both Commerzbank and Comdirect as "very good" in the overall rating, placing them in the top group. Commerzbank scores particularly well in the individual categories "Socially Responsible Action" and "Ecological Sustainability". The managing director of ServiceValue emphasises in Focus magazine: "This shows that the companies actually keep their promises - and don't preach empty words." - 25.10.2021
Apply now for the Commerzbank Environmental Internship 2022
For more than 30 years, Commerzbank has enabled students to complete an internship of several months in a German protected area. This will also be the case next year: up to 75 students will be able to complete an open-air semester in one of the 27 participating national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves in 2022. The Commerzbank environmental internship offers students the chance to combine their passion for nature and the environment with practical experience and in the process acquire important skills for their future career choice. The application deadline is 15.01.2022.
Learn more - 15.10.2021
Nominated three times for the Sustainability Heroes Awards
We are delighted about the nominations for the Sustainability Heroes Awards 2021 by DQS Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität in the categories Sustainability Strategy, Carbon Footprint and Biodiversity. They confirm our strategic orientation with a focus on Net Zero Banking and recognise our contribution to species conservation with the Commerzbank Environmental Internship. - 02.09.2021
Family friendliness at Commerzbank - we receive "Gold"
Together with "Welt am Sonntag" and Goethe University Frankfurt, the analysis and consulting company ServiceValue put the family friendliness of 731 companies from 73 sectors to the test for the ninth time in a national customer survey. Commerzbank has now been named the industry winner among branch banks in 2021, receiving the "Gold" award. This award is a great recognition of our commitment and support measures around the topic of work-life balance, to which we attach great importance.
Learn more - 29.07.2021
Commerzbank shines in rainbow colours
The Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt has been shining in rainbow colours for a few weeks now - a statement that is reflected in the corporate culture and the self-image of the employees. And not just during Pride Season, but 356 days a year and for all dimensions of diversity. Albert Reicherzer, Divisional Board Member Group Organisation and Security, explains in an interview why diversity is important in the company, why diversity should be the norm and how he advocates for it. Unfortunately, unequal treatment and discrimination against LGBT*IQ people are still part of everyday life. To combat this, Reicherzer calls for breaking down pigeonholes, questioning one's own habits and thought patterns and overcoming unconscious prejudices. -
Flood disaster: Commerzbank provides emergency aid
The consequences of the worst flood disaster in Germany for decades are staggering. There are numerous dead and injured, and people are still missing. But one thing has brought hope in the past few days - cohesion and a willingness to help. Donations of money and goods are reaching the areas from all over Europe. Volunteers are coming to help people to free themselves from mud and water and to repair the damage caused. Also for Commerzbank's Board of Managing Directors it is a concern to help the people affected quickly and without red tape. Commerzbank is therefore donating 100,000 euros in emergency aid to "Aktion Deutschland Hilft". - 30.06.2021
GRI Report 2020 published
Commerzbank presents its Sustainability Report 2020 in accordance with the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Report 2020). With this annual overview, we explain in detail the facts and figures of our sustainability performance. The GRI Report is also our progress report on the status of implementation of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.
Learn more - 12.05.2021
Commerzbank mobilises capital for sustainable transformation
Commerzbank is determined to play an active role in shaping the sustainable transformation of the economy and society. The transformation requires enormous investments. To support our customers in their transformation, we are steadily expanding our sustainable product offering. Now we are committing to mobilise more than 300 billion euros for the sustainable transformation by 2025. To this end, we are using a detailed framework to make transparent which products we classify as "sustainable".
ESG framework - 29.04.2021
Commerzbank Environmental Internship 2021
This year, 75 students officially began their Commerzbank Environmental Internship with an introductory seminar. In line with Corona as a digital event, there were various specialist lectures on the subject of nature conservation and environmental education over two days, but also opportunities to make contacts without contact. The Commerzbank environmental interns are deployed in the 27 large protected areas that are partners of the programme. Over the past 30 years, around 1,800 students have supported the national nature reserves in the field of environmental education with an environmental internship and experienced career prospects in environmental protection.
Learn more - 27.04.2021
New "Unternehmerperspektiven" study with a focus on sustainability
The new SME study "Economy in Transition: The Opportunities of the Green Deal" by the Commerzbank initiative "Unternehmerperspektiven" looks at sustainability and the importance of sustainable business for SMEs. The study is based on the European Green Deal. The study sheds light on both the sustainability strategy of SMEs and the impact of the pandemic on them. It shows where the opportunities lie for the companies and what challenges they face. In both cases, we support our clients.
Learn more (german only) - 21.04.2021
Commerzbank becomes Net-Zero Bank
Commerzbank has joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance of UNEP FI, the finance initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme. Commerzbank is one of the first banks worldwide to commit to reducing its CO2 emissions as far as possible. The
goal is to reduce the carbon footprint of the bank's entire loan and investment portfolio to net zero by 2050 at the latest. For its own banking operations, the bank is already aiming to reduce CO2 emissions to zero by 2040.
Learn more - 20.04.2021
Carbon footprint for 2020 reduced by 30%
Commerzbank's verified carbon footprint in Germany in 2020 was 75,656 t of CO2 emissions, 30% less than in 2019, due to the Corona pandemic and the associated reduction in business travel and commuting. Commerzbank has been climate-neutral since 2015. We offset all unavoidable emissions with CO2 certificates in accordance with our principles. We offset air travel with gold standard certificates. These CO2 emissions were only 380 t for 2020, a decrease of almost 90% compared to the previous year.
Learn more - 29.03.2021
Lights off. Climate protection on.
Commerzbank once again took part in the worldwide Earth Hour and switched off the lights for one hour at 8.30 p.m. on 27 March at selected locations in Frankfurt and Berlin. The joint campaign also motivates people to live and act in a more environmentally friendly way far beyond the 60 minutes. Commerzbank is pursuing this goal with its own climate strategy.
Learn more - 24.03.2021
Non-financial report 2020 published
Non-financial factors also have an impact on Commerzbank's Group success. We therefore report on environmental, employee, customer and social issues as well as on respect for human rights and combating corruption and bribery in accordance with the CSR Directive Implementation Act. The non-financial report will be published in the Annual Report 2020 and has been audited by the auditing firm Ernst & Young.
Learn more - 22.03.2021
Publication of the Principles for Responsible Banking report
Commerzbank is one of the first signatories of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). In doing so, it emphasises the high relevance of responsible banking for the company and is aware of the impact of its actions on society. Commerzbank has now published its first progress report. In it, it reports on the implementation of the six principles of the PRB. These serve as a framework for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Learn more - 17.03.2021
Commerzbank among the top performers in ESG reporting
A study by Zielke-Research-Consult has compared the CSR reporting of 119 German banks and rates Commerzbank's Non-Financial Statement 2019 as one of the best. The NFE is ranked 6th and is thus among the top performers. All three ESG dimensions (environmental, social, governance) were covered in the evaluation. - 15.03.2021
Commerzbank publishes CO2 calculator
With the CO2 calculator, we now offer our customers the possibility to determine their own CO2 footprint in a simple and playful way. The CO2 emissions are determined by entering data in the three categories "Living", "Mobility" and "Consumption". Behind the scenes, all the information is converted into CO2 emissions and added up. The result is the individual CO2 footprint of a person per year. According to the Federal Environment Agency, the average CO2 footprint in Germany is approximately 11.6 t per capita and year. We help our customers to come one step closer to offsetting their own CO2 footprint with suitable solutions.
Learn more (german only) - 10.03.2021
More transparency through disclosure
The EU Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector enters into force. Commerzbank also creates further transparency and publishes information on sustainability in investment decisions and the inclusion of sustainability risks.
Learn more - 10.03.2021
HausInvest classified as a sustainable fund
As one of the first open-ended real estate funds in Germany, Commerz Real's hausInvest
fulfils the EU disclosure requirements for a financial product with environmental characteristics under Article 8. The corresponding notification procedure with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) was successfully completed. The fund bears responsibility simply because of the climate relevance of real estate. In addition to ecological aspects, however, social criteria are also increasingly being taken into account. In order to create additional affordable living space in German conurbations, the fund management plans to invest about two billion euros in the next few years.
Learn more - 16.02.2021
Commerzbank Foundation celebrates its birthday
The Commerzbank Foundation is celebrating its 51st birthday. To mark the anniversary, a short film about its work and the Foundation's mission was published. It shows the diverse commitment of the partners and clarifies the foundation's funding objectives. Commerzbank's independent corporate foundation supports charitable projects throughout Germany with innovative approaches and a sustainable impact. Exciting projects are also planned for the future.
Commerzbank Foundation (german only) - 18.02.2021
Establishment of the Group Sustainability Board
The new Group Sustainability Board establishes a central decision-making body for sustainability at Commerzbank. It is responsible for defining the Bank's strategic sustainability goals and monitors the measures for their implementation and management. The fact that the Board is anchored in the Board of Managing Directors and the 1st management level makes it clear that sustainability is high on the Bank's agenda.
Learn more - 16.02.2021
Commerzbank offsets emissions via project in Zambia
Commerzbank has been operating in a climate-neutral manner in Germany since 2015. It currently achieves this by steadily reducing its CO2 emissions and then offsetting the remainder, which cannot yet be avoided, with certificates from various projects. One of these projects, the Luangwa Community Forests Project in Zambia, for example, protects almost 1 million hectares of forest from deforestation.
- 11.02.2021
Interview: Six questions on the topic of sustainable
investments Interest in sustainable investments is growing steadily. Commerzbank offers its customers sustainable asset management for this purpose, which, in addition to the classic investment criteria of return, risk and liquidity, also takes into account the social, ethical and ecological aspects of the companies in which investments are made. In an interview, Peter Körndl, Senior Portfolio Manager Sustainability Asset Management and Head of Sustainability in Asset Management at Commerzbank, explains the importance of sustainability aspects in asset management and how this segment will develop in the coming years.
Learn more (german only) - 09.02.2021
CDP award for taking climate risks into account in the supply chain
Commerzbank has again been recognised by the international non-profit organisation CDP for its commitment to climate protection in the supply chain. This places it among the top 7% of companies assessed. The assessment is based on selected criteria from the CDP Questionnaire 2020, including the bank's own targets, Scope 3 emissions, cooperation with suppliers and the bank's
overall "CDP climate change" score. In particular, Commerzbank sets an example for the environmental and social compatibility of purchased products and services with its standard for sustainable procurement and the supplier self-disclosure form.
Learn more - 27.01.2021
Book publication "Commerzbank one hundred and fifty years"
Commerzbank celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2020. Reason enough for the Bank's Historical Society to publish a book on its history from its founding in 1870 to the present day. The "journey through time" describes the rise from a North German credit institution to a major bank in the German Empire, crises and consolidation in the first half of the 20th century, the new start after 1945 and the development into a leading, internationally active commercial bank.
Learn more (german only) - 25.01.2021
Commerzbank in the Corporate Knights Global 100 Index
Commerzbank is listed in Corporate Knights'
"Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index" (G100) for
the third year in a row this year and ranks 67th in the 2021 ranking. It is among the top 10
most sustainable banks worldwide and one of 7 German companies in the index.
Learn more - 21.01.2021
Commerzbank awarded as "climate-conscious company"
The magazine Capital and the data portal Statista have awarded Commerzbank the title "climate-conscious company". For this purpose, about 2000 companies were analysed to see how successful they have been in reducing their CO2 emissions over the last few years. The evaluation also took into account the ratio of emission savings in comparison to the development of turnover. The best 100 companies in the study received an award.
News archive 2020
- 18.12.2020
Commerzbank among the top ten in the Gender Diversity Index
In a study by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) on gender equality in companies, Commerzbank was ranked 10th out of almost 100 large listed companies. In addition to the proportion of female executives on management boards and supervisory boards, the index also takes into account the ratio of the average remuneration of both genders. With 73 out of 100 points in 2020 and the steady improvement compared to previous years, Commerzbank proves that it takes its responsibility for equal opportunities seriously and successfully implements measures.
- 11.12.2020
Declaration on the German Sustainability Code
As in previous years, Commerzbank has published
a declaration of conformity with the German Sustainability Code (DNK). The Sustainability Code describes in twenty criteria and supplementary performance indicators what constitutes the core of corporate sustainability and makes the sustainability performance of participating companies comparable. The DNK declaration also includes reporting on the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights.
Learn more - 08.12.2020
UK Modern Slavery Act Statement for 2019 published In
its human rights position, Commerzbank is committed to respecting international human rights and makes a differentiated contribution to promoting them within its sphere of influence. We report transparently on this as part of our regular sustainability reporting. In
addition, we publish the UK's Modern Slavery Act Statement annually. This describes the measures taken by the Bank to minimise human rights risks in our supply chain.
Learn more - 02.12.2020
Commerzbank and comdirect are among Germany's most valuable employers
Commerzbank and comdirect have both been named companies with a "very high contribution to the common good". This is the result of a Germany-wide survey for WirtschaftWoche. A total of 2,138 regionally based companies were evaluated by residents of the respective districts. Both Commerzbank (rank 44) and comdirect (rank 346) are thus among the most valuable employers for the common good in 2020. - 27.11.2020
Rising demand for responsible investments
In Commerzbank's Private and Corporate Customers segment, customers' interest in ecologically and economically responsible investments continues to grow. In our online magazine "Commerzbanker", Arno Walter, Divisional Board Member Wealth Management & Corporate Clients, and Stefanie Pietsch, Divisional Head Wealth Management, explain how Commerzbank is meeting the growing demand for sustainable products.
- 12.11.2020
Register now: The Main Incubator's Impact Festival
The Main Incubator, Commerzbank's research and development unit, is launching a community platform to accelerate green change with the Impact Festival in April 2021. This will be the first European online format in which sustainability pioneers such as green start-ups, corporates and venture capital investors come together to discuss and develop sustainable business models. Science, politics and education are involved in the process. Planned as a hybrid event due to Corona, the programme of the Impact Festival 2021 includes exciting pitch sessions, lectures, matchmaking and workshops. Registrations are now open.
Learn more - 04.11.2020
German Reading Prize 2020 awarded
The actress Annette Frier will be honoured with the German Reading Prize for her commitment to promoting reading. She is thus one of 16 individuals and institutions to receive this award from the Commerzbank Foundation and Stiftung Lesen in 2020. The German Reading Prize is awarded in six categories and is endowed with a total of 25,000 euros. One of these is the Commerzbank Foundation's special prize for prominent commitment. It comes with 2,500 euros for a good cause. Annette Frier intends to donate half of the prize money to the library of the Baltasar children's hospice in Olpe, the other half to the reading room of a children's hospital in Cologne.
- 30.10.2020
Apply now for the Commerzbank Environmental Internship 2021
For more than 30 years, Commerzbank has enabled students to spend several months on an internship in a German protected area. This will also be the case next year: up to 75 students can complete an open-air semester in one of the 27 participating national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves in 2021. The Commerzbank environmental internship offers students the chance to combine their passion for nature and the environment with practical experience and in the process acquire important skills for their future career choice. The application deadline is 15.01.2021.
Learn more - 29.10.2020
KlimaVest: Impact fund for private investors
Commerz Real has launched its first impact fund for private investors. Initially distributed exclusively by Commerzbank, klimaVest invests in tangible assets that make a demonstrable contribution to reducing CO2 emissions: renewable energy production facilities as well as sustainable infrastructure, mobility and forestry. Investors can invest from 10,000 euros and receive regular reporting not only on performance but also on the climate impact achieved by the assets in the fund.
Learn more (german only) - 30.09.2020
Commerzbank Foundation awards prize for cultural education
ZukunftsGut, Germany's most valuable prize for institutional cultural education with a total of 80,000 euros, was awarded for the second time on 30th of September 2020. For the first time, the Commerzbank Foundation is awarding prizes to four institutions: First place was shared by the Landesbühnen Sachsen and the Kulturforum Witten. The Kunsthaus Dresden and the Traumschüff Potsdam jointly took second place. All four institutions convinced the jury with their strategically oriented cultural education activities. In doing so, they proved their innovative skills and demonstrated with creative design ability how cultural education can succeed not only in cities but also in rural areas. - 28.09.2020
Sustainable Finance Summit 2020
The first virtual European Sustainable Finance Summit calls on the financial industry and the real economy to work together to achieve the Paris climate goal. Rüdiger Senft, Head of Sustainability at Commerzbank, explains in the online magazine "Commerzbanker" how the bank supports its customers in the transition to low-carbon business models and how we will measure and manage climate risks in our loan portfolio in the future. - 24.09.2020
Transparency on climate impact in the credit portfolio
Commerzbank now supports the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and has simultaneously joined the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). The TCFD recommendations form the framework for future reporting on dealing with climate change. In addition, as an SBTi member, the Bank is committed to a science-based reduction of CO2 in its loan portfolio. In this way, we want to make the risks and opportunities of climate change for our credit portfolio transparent and manage them in the future using science-based targets.
Learn more - 16.09.2020
Second own Green Bond 8 times subscribed
Commerzbank today very successfully issued another Green Bond with an issue volume of EUR 500 million. The Bank is using the proceeds to finance projects in the field of renewable energies. The non-preferred senior bond met with exceptionally strong investor interest. The final order book had a volume of more than 4 billion euros and was thus 8 times subscribed. The sustainability rating agency Sustainalytics confirmed in its second party opinion that the bond meets the requirements of the current Green Bond Principles. Commerzbank has assigned loans for onshore and offshore wind projects and solar projects in Germany, other European countries and North America to the bond. The projects financed by the Green Bond lead to CO2 savings of around 850,000 tonnes per year. - 04.09.2020
Asset management in accordance with the Principles for Responsible Investments
Commerzbank's Asset Management has signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), an investor initiative in partnership with the United Nations for responsible investment. Its principles reflect the increasing importance of environmental and social aspects as well as sustainable corporate governance for investment decisions.
Learn more - 11.09.2020
New issue of the investment magazine nachhaltig+
In the current issue of our online magazine nachhaltig+, the chief investment strategist from the private customer segment explains the return and risk of sustainable investments, how a fund company can influence the sustainability of companies and what sustainability news Commerzbank itself has to offer. The magazine in film format is published every three months.
Learn more (german only) - 08.09.2020
"Leopoldina Early Career Award 2020" for biodiversity researcher
Dr. Patrick Weigelt, young scientist at the University of Göttingen, receives the "Leopoldina Early Career Award 2020". The prize is endowed with 30,000 euros, provided by the Commerzbank Foundation. The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina is honouring Weigelt for the development of biodiversity databases and for his research on plant biodiversity. His research areas include the influence of humans on the spread of plant species outside their areas of origin, for example through man-made climate change. The "Leopoldina Early Career Award of the Commerzbank Foundation" has been awarded every two years since 2010. It honours scientists in the first ten years after their doctorate for outstanding achievements in a field represented in the Leopoldina.
Learn more (german only) - 04.09.2020
Nasdaq Sustainable Bond Network
Commerzbank is the first green bond issuer from Germany to join the Nasdaq Sustainable Bond Network (NSBN). NSBN publishes all data, qualitative information and documents submitted by issuers on a publicly accessible website. The aim of the network is to bring transparency to the global sustainable bond market and to support both product issuers and investors in advancing green initiatives. - 17.08.2020
Anniversary year 2020: 50 years of the Commerzbank Foundation
The Commerzbank Foundation is celebrating its 50th anniversary - a reason to celebrate despite Corona. Since its launch in 1970 with an endowment capital of 5 million deutschmarks, it has built up
many sustainable partnerships in the fields of culture, social affairs and science and has established itself as a firm supporter in Germany. Today, the independent corporate foundation has an endowment volume of over 60 million euros. Its defined goal is to make a valuable contribution to the future viability of society. Over the past 50 years, the Commerzbank Foundation has supported over 1,000 projects to this end. The sponsoring partnerships range from non-profit associations to scientific institutions and cultural institutions. In the next 50 years, it will continue to be of great relevance to work for a sustainable society and to support appropriate projects. This is what the Foundation will be working on.
Learn more (german only) - 14.08.2020
Advantage for Commerzbank customers: Tesla Powerwall as electricity storage
The trend towards private electricity generation continues unabated. Solar panels in combination with an electricity storage system can supply a household not only during the day, but also at night or in the event of a power cut, independently of the public electricity grid. Commerzbank customers and employees of the bank receive a EUR 500 discount for the installation of a Tesla Powerwall. In this way, Commerzbank, together with its customers, is making a further contribution to the energy transition and a lower CO2 future.
Learn more (german only) - 31.07.2020
Training as a sustainable investment in the future
At Commerzbank, 425 trainees and dual students will have their first day of work on 3 August 2020. This is around 15 percent more than in the previous year. In IT alone, 100 junior staff will start. This means that the current training year also reflects the digital transformation of the banking industry. Commerzbank offers a total of eight different vocational training programmes and dual courses of study. In all areas, we train exclusively according to demand. This year, we were once again able to take on all junior staff who requested this.
Learn more - 16.07.2020
CO2 emissions of the Annual General Meeting offset
Commerzbank has offset the greenhouse gas emissions of 3.3 tonnes caused by its Annual General Meeting 2020 with CO2 certificates from climate protection projects. The AGM was held as a virtual event due to the Corona pandemic. This led to a significant reduction in emissions. The face-to-face event of the AGM in the previous year had still caused 152 tonnes of greenhouse gases.
Learn more - 14.07.2020
New targets for more climate protection
After Commerzbank's current climate target of 70% CO2 savings in Germany compared to 2007 was achieved ahead of schedule, the bank has now adopted a new climate target: An additional 15% CO2 emissions are to be reduced by 2025 (base year 2018). This corresponds to CO2 savings of 2,600 tonnes per year. The new climate target includes international Commerzbank locations in around 20 countries for the first time. Unavoidable emissions will continue to be offset by the purchase of CO2 certificates so that banking operations remain climate neutral. In addition, two new energy targets have been set. For example, it is planned to reduce total energy consumption by an average of 2% per year by 2025 compared to 2018. In addition, electricity consumption per full-time employee is to be kept constant until 2025 compared to the base year 2018 - despite increasing digitalisation.
Learn more (german only) - 09.07.2020
Market research with social added value
Commerzbank has been supporting the Joblinge e.V.
initiative for many years with
its education mentoring programme. The aim is to offer young people with difficult starting conditions a perspective for the future and to integrate them into the labour market. We have now also supported the association in its work by developing and building a new internet platform with our in-house User Experience Studio: The prototype was examined for perception, comprehensibility and usability and potential improvements were identified. - 02.07.2020
Sustainable building management for Commerz Real real estate
Commerz Real will successively increase the environmental compatibility of its real estate in cooperation with Frankfurt-based Mainova. Initially, this will involve buildings of the open-ended real estate fund Hausinvest. In future, their tenants will benefit from a green electricity tariff model developed especially for them. In addition, Mainova is equipping the Hausinvest properties with intelligent metering systems for electricity in order to better exploit energy-saving potential. According to the Scope rating agency, CO2 emissions at Hausinvest are already well below the industry average. The cooperation agreement also provides for the installation of smart metering systems for gas and water as soon as the technical devices are available.
Learn more (german only) - 30.06.2020
GRI Report 2019 published
Commerzbank presents its Sustainability Report 2019 in accordance with the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Report 2019). With this annual overview, we explain in detail the facts and figures of our sustainability performance. This year, for the first time, we are also reporting on the new GRI Standard 207: Tax. The GRI Report is also our progress report on the status of implementation of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.
Learn more (german only) - 30.06.2020
Climate agreement of the German financial sector
Commerzbank today signed a climate protection commitment together with 15 other players in the German financial sector. In the agreement, Commerzbank commits to aligning its credit and investment portfolios with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Learn more - 30.06.2020
New investment magazine nachhaltig+
In the first issue of our new online magazine nachhaltig+, the chief investment strategist from the Private Customers segment explains everything about responsible investing and how Commerzbank is committed to the mountain forest project. The film format will appear every three months in future.
Learn more (german only) - 23.06.2020
Sustainability programme 2017 completed
Since 2017, Commerzbank has been working on the implementation of its 100-goal sustainability programme. This is now being concluded with a final status report. We are currently defining new goals as part of the group-wide strategy project "Sustainability 5.0", which will follow the programme. - 16.06.2020
Ongoing support for the Bergwaldprojekt
Even after the successful end of the tree-planting campaign for the electronic mailbox at the end of 2019, in which 670,000 square metres of recreational and retreat areas for humans and animals were reforested, Commerzbank remains one of the main supporters of the Bergwaldprojekt e.V. The cooperation will continue in the future with various measures. In asset management, for example, it is now possible to provide customers with the previously printed reports mainly digitally. Thanks to the saved stationery, another 3,500 square metres of forest can be reforested.
Learn more (german only) - 16.06.2020
Support for the campaign against child abuse
According to initial figures, the coronavirus has led to an increase in domestic and family violence. Commerzbank therefore supports the campaign "No Child Left Alone" of the independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse, who acts on behalf of the Federal Government. As part of this campaign, information documents with contact options for affected children and attentive adults are available at Commerzbank branches. - 27.05.2020
Top career opportunities for women at Commerzbank
Commerzbank has made it to the winner's podium when it comes to career advancement for women. According to a recent study commissioned by "Deutschland Test", Commerzbank offers top career opportunities for women. Companies from over 200 sectors were surveyed. Among the banks, Commerzbank once again achieved first place. We are committed to equal opportunities and gender diversity. Currently, the proportion of female managers in the Group is 32.5%. As part of our sustainability programme, we aim to increase this to 35% across all management levels by the end of 2021.
Learn more - 07.05.2020
Spontaneous relief action in the Corona crisis
Commerzbank is making 15 cars from the bank's fleet, which are normally used for business trips, available to the Rhine-Main Regional Association of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe free of charge until the end of June. Refuelling is also free of charge for Johanniter. This is because the Johanniter in Frankfurt and neighbouring districts have to make many additional journeys during the Corona crisis - for example, to help those in need with their shopping or to supply employees with face masks and disinfectants. - 19.04.2020
Support for parents in the home office
"Childcare in home office is like brushing your teeth with Nutella."
This description sums up the current situation of many Commerzbankers quite well. To remedy the situation, the bank's Diversity Management, together with pme Familienservice, offers online childcare for employees' children. For two to three hours a day, children of similar ages are kept happy (and their parents along with them) with shared reading, handicrafts, singing or exercise games. In addition, the diversity colleagues recommend numerous online formats for learning, creativity and movement at home. The positive reactions on the intranet show how well the offers are received by both generations. - 06.04.2020
Statement of the UPJ Network for Solidarity, Public Spirit and Cohesion
Taking responsibility and showing commitment: This is even more important during the Corona pandemic than before. With a statement published today, the members in the UPJ Network for Corporate Citizenship and CSR - including Commerzbank - declare their commitment to society. Under the motto #WeStayCommitted, the website lists numerous examples of how the companies are providing concrete help during the crisis.
Learn more (german only) - 06.04.2020
Commerz Real wind and solar funds triple electricity production
Commerz Real's solar and wind funds recorded electricity production of 2,512 gigawatt hours (GWh) in 2019. This is around 3.5 times as much as in the previous year (704 GWh) and corresponds to the average annual consumption of around 807,000 German private households. In addition, the solar and wind parks achieved emission savings of around 1.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. Commerz Real has been investing in solar energy under the CFB brand since 2005 and has also been investing in wind farms and other energy infrastructure segments for institutional investors since 2016. Currently, the asset manager for real estate investments of Commerzbank Group manages 50 solar power plants and thirteen onshore and offshore wind farms.
Learn more - 02.04.2020
Apply now for the German Reading Prize 2020
The application phase for the German Reading Prize 2020 starts now. The award is a joint initiative of Stiftung Lesen and the Commerzbank Foundation and is under the patronage of Prof. Monika Grütters, Minister of State for Culture and Media. Projects can be submitted until 30 June. - 02.04.2020
Liquidity helps through the Corona crisis
With the new online platform, the bank helps companies to secure liquidity despite closed businesses. The idea is simple: companies offer vouchers for their services and products on the platform. By buying these vouchers, customers support their local businesses. These can continue to generate sales and thus receive important liquidity. The vouchers are redeemed at a later date. - 30.03.2020
Lights out - environmental awareness on
Commerzbank once again took part in the worldwide Earth Hour and switched off the lights for one hour at 8.30 p.m. on 28 March at selected locations in Frankfurt and Berlin. The joint campaign also motivates people to live and act in a more environmentally friendly way far beyond the 60 minutes. Commerzbank is pursuing this goal with its own climate strategy.
Learn more - 20.03.2020
Non-financial report 2019
The entrepreneurial success of the Commerzbank Group is also influenced by a large number of non-financial factors. We have published these today in a summarised separate non-financial report in accordance with the CSR Directive Implementation Act in the 2019 Annual Report. The 2019 non-financial report has been subject to a business review by the auditing firm Ernst & Young.
Learn more (german only) - 06.03.2020
Commerzbank represented in the new DAX 50 ESG Index
In March 2020, Deutsche Börse Group launched the DAX 50 ESG. Commerzbank has been represented among the top 50 companies from the very beginning. In addition to market capitalisation and stock market value, the index composition also takes into account companies' ESG performance.
Learn more - 04.02.2020
Commerzbank in the upper midfield of the WWF bank rating
WWF Germany has published its first "Rating for the integration of sustainability in core business areas". The rating assessed the extent to which Germany's 14 largest banks meet the WWF's requirements for a "sustainable bank 2025". Commerzbank is in the upper midfield in both private and corporate banking. The WWF considers Commerzbank's corporate governance in terms of sustainability to be up to date, particularly due to the anchoring of the topic in the Commerzbank 5.0 strategy and the signing of the Principles for Responsible Banking. At the same time, however, the rating also highlights challenges in the areas of Savings & Investments and Financing & Mortgages.
Learn more - 25.02.2020
Declaration on the German Sustainability Code
Commerzbank has published a declaration of compliance with the German Sustainability Code (DNK) for the reporting year 2018. The Sustainability Code describes in twenty criteria and supplementary performance indicators what constitutes the core of corporate sustainability and makes the sustainability performance of participating companies comparable. For the first time, the current GSC statement also includes reporting on the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.
Learn more - 24.02.2020
Restcent donation awarded for the third time
For the third time, the collected donations of committed colleagues could be awarded to selected support projects in January 2020. "Every cent counts" is the motto of the remainder cent donation. In 2019, 5,017 employees of Commerzbank and Commerz Real participated by donating the cents of their monthly salary to social projects. The bottom line was an impressive 29,569.24 euros in donations for three projects. Promoting inclusive businesses Commerzbank has concluded a framework agreement with the cooperatives of workshops (GDW Mitte) to standardise the ordering of products and services from workshops for people with disabilities throughout Germany and thus promote inclusive businesses. This is one of the numerous measures and projects with which the Bank is implementing its "Action Plan Inclusion" until 2023. The action plan, based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, aims to break down mental barriers and create organisational conditions for successful cooperation between disabled and non-disabled people. - 04.02.2020
CDP award for consideration of climate risks in the supply chain
Commerzbank has been recognised by the international non-profit organisation CDP for its management of climate risks in the supply chain. This places it among the top 3% of companies assessed. The assessment is based on selected criteria from the 2019 CDP questionnaire, including Scope 3 emissions and cooperation with suppliers, as well as the bank's overall CDP climate change score. In particular, Commerzbank sets an example for the environmental sustainability of purchased products and services with the standard for sustainable procurement and the supplier self-disclosure form.
Learn more - 22.01.2020
Commerzbank becomes a partner of the Climate Bonds Initiative
Commerzbank has been a partner of the Climate Bonds Initiative since January 2020. It is thus taking a further step in its commitment to greater sustainability in the banking business. The non-profit international initiative, in which more than 100 partners from the financial services sector worldwide participate, has set itself the goal of using the global bond market to contribute to a CO2-efficient and climate-resistant economy.
Learn more - 21.01.2020
Commerzbank in the Corporate Knights Global 100 Index
Commerzbank is listed in Corporate Knights' "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index" (G100) for the second time this year and ranks 59th in the 2020 ranking, an improvement of 8 places compared to the previous year. Commerzbank is one of five German companies in the index.
Learn more - ZukunftsGut 2020: Apply by the end of March
ZukunftsGut, the Commerzbank Foundation's prize for institutional cultural mediation, is aimed at public and private cultural institutions in Germany that have recognised and fulfil mediation as a central joint task for their institution. The prize for cultural mediation in Germany, which comes with the highest endowment of 80,000 euros, honours forward-looking strategies and their sustainable anchoring. It aims to contribute to strengthening the status of cultural education as a core function in institutions and to support transformation processes. The application phase for 2020 runs until 31.03.202. - 20.01.2020
CDP Climate Change 2019 Score of B for Commerzbank
Commerzbank has received a CDP Climate Change 2019 Score of B. This means it performs better than the average company in the financial sector. On behalf of investors, the international non-profit organisation CDP annually asks companies to report on their climate risks and opportunities. These are assessed by CDP and given a score of A-F. In total, more than 8,400 companies worldwide entered their climate data into the database in 2019.
Learn more - 07.01.2020
Expanded bike-sharing offer for Commerzbank employees
Commerzbank is building on its successful climate strategy and expanding its range of rental bikes: since January 2020, Call a Bike bikes have been available to all Commerzbank employees. Instead of the previous 70 Commerzbank company bikes in Frankfurt, Commerzbank employees can now use the more than 15,000 Call a Bike bikes throughout Germany. The bikes add another environmentally friendly option to the existing mobility options.
Learn more
News archive 2019
- 26.11.2019
Commerzbank includes sustainability information in equity votes
Since November, Commerzbank has been publishing sustainability ratings in its equity votes, which are produced in cooperation with the data analysis company Arabesque S-Ray. This means that institutional investors who obtain their equity research from Commerzbank receive the quantitative sustainability indicators from Arabesque S-Ray in addition to the fundamental equity ratings provided by the bank. The data analytics company rates companies on their compliance with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and produces a score on material environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. This information is published in addition to Commerzbank's fundamental stock ratings.
Learn more - 13.11.2019
Leading by example in climate protection
With the Commerzbank 5.0 strategy programme, the bank has announced that it will pursue sustainability issues even more aggressively. One aspect of this is the climate impact of banking operations, i.e. operational ecology. The Board of Managing Directors has therefore decided on a package of measures for mobility, with which the Bank will save a further 900 tonnes of CO2 per year in the future. Planned measures include a mobility subsidy for local public transport, more incentives for low-emission driving by adapting the bank's car policy, a more restrictive approach to short-haul flights and further energy efficiency measures in the bank's buildings.
Learn more - 12.11.2019
Commerzbank signs "Green Investment Principles" for the new Silk Road
At a press conference in Shanghai today, Commerzbank announced the signing of the Green Investment Principles (GIP) for the Belt and Road Initiative. The aim of the GIP is to develop projects in countries along the new Silk Road in the most low-emission and sustainable way possible. These countries represent about 40% of the world's land area and cause 55% of global CO2 emissions.
Learn more - 06.11.2019
German Reading Award ceremony
The German Reading Award is a joint initiative of Stiftung Lesen and the Commerzbank Foundation under the patronage of Prof. Monika Grütters, Minister of State for Culture and Media. This year's award, which is endowed with a total of 25,000 euros, was presented at a ceremony in Berlin to 16 individuals and institutions who have made a sustained commitment to promoting reading. Monika Grütters praised the innovative projects for the promotion of reading and their contribution to reading literacy as the key to knowledge, education and democratic participation. This year, the Commerzbank Foundation's special prize for prominent commitment went to Nazan Eckes. The presenter has been a reading ambassador for Stiftung Lesen since 2010 and is particularly active in promoting more reading time in families. - 31.10.2019
Half a million square metres of forest reforested
For a year now, the "Paperless happy!" campaign has been running for resource-saving banking and more forest in Germany: For every new electronic post box, Commerzbank, in cooperation with the non-profit Bergwaldprojekt e.V., reforests one square metre of forest in Germany - so far more than half a million. Due to its great success, the campaign has been extended until at least the end of 2019.
Learn more - 23.10.2019
Green construction financing: interest rate discount promotes energy-efficient properties
To ensure that investments in greater energy efficiency pay off even faster, Commerzbank is offering discounted financing terms for the construction or purchase of properties with low energy consumption. The "Green Construction Financing" grants an interest rate discount for owner-occupied or third-party buildings with a final energy requirement of less than 75 kWh per square metre of usable floor space. The prerequisite is a valid energy certificate confirming the energy requirement.
Learn more - 26.09.2019
Social responsibility even more firmly anchored in the business model in future
The basis for Commerzbank's economic success is and remains the social acceptance of its daily actions. The bank emphasises this as part of its new "Commerzbank 5.0" strategy, which envisages an expansion of the green product range. As a responsible bank, Commerzbank has long had a clear stance on controversial issues such as weapons, environmentally harmful energy sources or speculative business with basic foodstuffs. Responsible conduct also includes careful handling of customer data and a high level of data security.
Learn more - 23.09.2019
Commerzbank signs Principles for Responsible Banking
Commerzbank is the first signatory of the Principles for Responsible Banking, which were developed by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) together with international financial institutions. The Principles for Responsible Banking are intended to lead to more sustainability in the financial sector and thus contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. Commerzbank thus acknowledges its responsibility to support companies in their transformation towards more sustainable business.
Learn more - 20.09.2019
Employee engagement at Malteser Social Day
2019 Commerzbank participated in the nationwide Malteser Social Day for the eighth time in a row, with more than 320 employees taking part this time. In cooperation with Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V., they supported a total of 28 social projects in 9 cities across Germany in the week from 16 to 20 September 2019. Since 2012, more than 3,000 Commerzbank employees have taken part. - 30.07.2019
Sustainability report provides orientation
"How can a bank provide orientation?" In our Corporate Responsibility Magazine 2019, we provide clients, colleagues and society with answers to this very question. The second part of our sustainability report is the GRI Report. In this annual overview, we explain in detail facts and figures of our sustainability performance based on the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Learn more - 23.07.2019
CO2 emissions from the Annual General Meeting offset
Commerzbank has offset the greenhouse gas emissions caused by its 2019 Annual General Meeting amounting to 152 tonnes (previous year: 217) with CO2 certificates from climate protection projects. Commerzbank is thus following its climate strategy, which primarily aims to reduce CO2 emissions and provides for the compensation of unavoidable emissions through the purchase of high-quality CO2 certificates.
Learn more - 18.07.2019
Commerzbank sets an example for diversity
Commerzbank has been actively promoting a prejudice-free working environment for many years and, in this context, is once again participating in Christopher Street Day (CSD). For this, not only the logo on the internet, on newsletters and in other digital media was coloured. The Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt will also shine in rainbow colours for the first time from 18 to 28 July. As in Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Munich and Stuttgart, the bank is also raising rainbow flags at locations in Frankfurt. In this way, Commerzbank is sending a visible signal for diversity and acceptance. - 15.07.2019
Commerzbank included in FTSE4Good sustainability index
Commerzbank is now part of the recognised FTSE4Good Index Series, making it even more interesting for sustainability-oriented investors. The index series, which has been in existence since 2001, measures the performance of companies on the basis of so-called ESG criteria (Environmental, Social, Governance). Commerzbank achieved the highest possible score in four out of seven criteria, putting it above the sector and national average, according to FTSE Russell.
Learn more - 17.06.2019
CEOs show their colours
Commerzbank supports the Initiative Pro Recyclingpapier (IPR) and its campaign "CEOs show their colours". The initiative was launched as a business alliance of 24 companies. Other partners include the Federal Ministry for the Environment and NABU Germany. It calls on companies to use recycled paper with the Blue Angel label for their printed products. "Commerzbank only uses recycled paper with the 'Blue Angel' label for printing and copying paper[...] Only if we consistently pay attention to sustainable action can we help to ensure that the Paris Agreement on climate protection is implemented," said Commerzbank CEO Martin Zielke in his statement. - 06.06.2019
Climate target achieved two years ahead of time
Commerzbank has been pursuing a climate strategy since 2008, which includes reducing CO2 emissions by 70 percent by 2020 (starting from 2007). This target was achieved in 2018, two years ahead of schedule. The biggest savings came from two individual measures: In 2010, the bank switched to LED lighting in outdoor advertising and the shop windows of its branches across the board. In addition, since 2013 all of the approximately 1,100 buildings in Germany have been completely supplied with green electricity.
Learn more - 27.05.2019
Commerzbank has 132 trees planted
In June 2018, Commerzbank committed to having one tree planted for every tonne of printer and copier paper saved over the next 5 years. To achieve this goal, the bank needed above all the awareness and commitment of its employees. Through awareness-raising measures on the environment and energy, they were made more aware of the issues. The result is savings of 132 tonnes of printer and copier paper in 2018, with the donation for 132 trees going to Plant for the Planet. The bank is confident that the trend towards a low-paper office will continue in 2019.
Learn more - 12.04.2019
Two awards for the advancement of women
Commerzbank has made it onto the winners' podium twice when it comes to career advancement for women. According to a recent study commissioned by "Deutschland Test", Commerzbank offers top career opportunities for women. Around 5,000 companies from 150 sectors were surveyed, and Commerzbank emerged as the winner in the credit institutions sector. Commerzbank was also awarded this year's Helga Stödter Prize by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce on 8 April. It received the prize alongside Beiersdorf AG in the category "Large Company" for its commitment in the area of mixed leadership. The jury paid particular tribute to the segment- and hierarchy-independent employee network Courage, which is particularly committed to career advancement and networking for women. - 30.03.2019
Commerzbank once again took part in the worldwide Earth Hour and switched off the lights for one hour at 8.30 p.m. on 30th of March at selected locations in Frankfurt and Berlin. The joint campaign also motivates people to live and act in a more environmentally friendly way far beyond the 60 minutes. Commerzbank is pursuing this goal with its own climate strategy.
Learn more - 27.03.2019
Non-financial report 2018
The entrepreneurial success of the Commerzbank Group is also influenced by a large number of non-financial factors. We have published these today in a summarised separate non-financial report in accordance with the CSR Directive Implementation Act in the 2018 Annual Report. The 2018 non-financial report was subjected to a business audit by the auditing firm Ernst & Young.
Learn more - 01.03.2019
E-mobility expanded Since
March 2019, five Commerzbank buildings in Frankfurt have been gradually equipped with charging stations for employees' private electric vehicles. As Commerzbank has been sourcing 100% of its electricity from renewable energy sources since 2013, employees will only fill up with green electricity at these charging stations.
Learn more - 26.02.2019
Reporting rated well
Commerzbank came 5th out of the 69 large companies evaluated in
the ranking of sustainability reports by IÖW/future. With 456 points, it was well above the average of 314 points. The corporate responsibility magazine and the GRI Report from the 2017 reporting year were evaluated. Commerzbank was the only company in the ranking to receive full points in the "Goals and Programme" category. - 21.02.2019
Commerzbank renews its commitment to climate neutrality
Commerzbank has further solidified its commitment to climate protection and signed
the corresponding pledge with "Climate Neutral Now". The UN initiative was launched in 2015 to encourage all social actors to do more to protect the climate. It aims to achieve a climate-neutral world by 2050 by having everyone measure their greenhouse gas emissions, reduce them where possible and offset any remaining emissions. - 20.02.2019
Investment in North Sea wind farm
Commerz Real, as the largest shareholder in a consortium, has acquired around 27% of the project company of the Veja Mate offshore wind farm in the North Sea for around 227 million euros. With a total of 67 wind turbines and a total output of 402 megawatts, Veja Mate is one of the largest German offshore wind farms. This means that 400,000 households can be supplied with clean energy. CommerzReal plans to contribute this investment to its Institutional Infrastructure Offshore Fund, a special alternative investment fund in the form of an asset-managing closed-end investment company.
Learn more - 24.01.2019
Commerzbank in Corporate Knights Global 100
Commerzbank is included in Corporate Knights' Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index (G100) for the first time, ranking 67th in the 2019 rankings. Of the five German companies in the index, Commerzbank comes in second best and it is in the top 10 of the 14 banks listed globally.
Learn more - 22.01.2019
Commerzbank's Code of Conduct wins award
The trade magazine Compliance Manager examined the codes of conduct of major German companies. Commerzbank's Code of Conduct ranked first in the evaluation along with Daimler, E.ON, Siemens and Avista Oil. The editors of Compliance Manager particularly emphasised that the topics are presented "in appropriate language and without a raised forefinger" with all the information and contacts necessary for a complete understanding. Commerzbank received a score of 1 across the board for this.
News archive 2018
- 03.12.2018
Commerzbank fund receives FNG seal for sustainable investment funds
The "Commerzbank Global Equities - Catholic Values" fund complies with the quality standard developed by Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. (FNG) for sustainable investments in German-speaking countries and received the FNG seal with two stars for this. The fund was able to improve its rating particularly in the area of dialogue strategy, i.e. in its engagement with companies in which it invests. The fund is awarded the FNG seal for the third time in a row - but for the first time with two stars. A
total of 66 funds from Germany, Austria and Switzerland were awarded the seal for 2019. - 01.12.2018
Reflections for Advent - our Sustainability Calendar 2018
Advent is a time for reflection and contemplation. With an Advent calendar on the topic of sustainability, Commerzbank would like to provide all employees, customers and interested parties with 24 suggestions in an informative way during Advent - to reflect on and share with others. Because sustainability has many facets and is a crucial topic of our time. - 05.11.2018
Commerzbank receives award for commitment to equal opportunities
For the eighth time, Commerzbank has received the Total E-Quality award for its successful commitment to equal opportunities and, for the second time, the "Add-on Diversity" for its exemplary diversity management. This year, the Bank received the award for, among other things, the increase in the proportion of women in management positions, the development of its action plan for the inclusion of people with disabilities and the expansion of employee networks. - 01.11.2018
Apply now for the 2019 environmental internship
Commerzbank will again enable up to 75 students to spend several months on an internship in 27 German national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves between the North Sea and the Alps next year. The application deadline is 19.01.2019 - 17.10.2018
Commerzbank issues first own Green Bond
Commerzbank issued its first own Green Bond on the capital market on 16 October 2018, which met with great interest among investors. The issue volume was EUR 500 million, with a maturity of 5 years. The order book had a volume of over 1.1 billion euros. The Bank uses the proceeds to refinance renewable energy projects for onshore and offshore wind projects and solar projects in Germany, other European countries as well as North and South America. - 08.10.2018
Less paper - and the forest benefits twice
For every new electronic post box, Commerzbank has been reforesting one square metre of forest in Germany since October 2018 in cooperation with the non-profit Bergwaldprojekt e.V., starting in Baden-Baden in the northern Black Forest. In this way, the bank and its customers are jointly saving natural resources, reducing harmful CO2 emissions and supporting the existence of German forests. - 01.10.2018
The end of disposable cups
Commerzbank is banning paper cups at its drinks outlets. In Frankfurt, disposable cups for coffee to go and other hot drinks have been dispensed with at locations with casino operations since 1 October 2018. At the head office alone, 1.3 million of these were last used per year. Nationwide, only environmentally friendly reusable cups will be available at Commerzbank from 1 November. Many employees had previously spoken out on the intranet in favour of doing without the paper cups. The Bank is thus fulfilling one of the 100 or so goals of its sustainability programme, which envisages a nationwide switch to environmentally friendly coffee cups by the end of 2018. - 21.09.2018
Earth observer receives "Leopoldina Early Career Award 2018" from the Commerzbank Foundation
Prof. Dr. Xiaoxiang Zhu, scientist at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Professor of Signal Processing in Earth Observation at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), receives the "Leopoldina Early Career Award 2018", endowed with 30,000 euros. The Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences honours her for her outstanding achievements in satellite-based Earth observation for recording global urbanisation and natural hazards. The award ceremony took place during the annual meeting of the Leopoldina on 21 September 2018 in Halle (Saale). The prize is sponsored by the Commerzbank Foundation.
Learn more - 20.09.2018
Commerzbank flies the #FlagforDiversity
A prejudice-free working environment, characterised by mutual respect and acceptance, is the basic prerequisite for the success of a company. Commerzbank is also taking part in the #FlaggefürVielfalt campaign, to which the Diversity Charter has called on its members, and is thus committing itself to diversity and tolerance in the company. The bank has been a signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2008.
Learn more - 12.09.2018
Commerzbank Foundation awards the ZukunftsGut prize to Staatsschauspiel Dresden
The prize for institutional cultural education, which was announced for the first time in the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and is endowed with a total of 80,000 euros, was awarded on 12 September 2018 in Frankfurt am Main. The first prize winner is the Staatsschauspiel Dresden with 50,000 euros for its pioneering role in the concept of the citizens' stage. Second and third place go to the Historisches Museum Frankfurt and the Theater Oberhausen. In future, the prize will be awarded every two years.
Learn more (german only) -
Declaration of conformity with the Sustainability Code
As in previous years, Commerzbank has issued a declaration of conformity with the German Sustainability Code (DNK). In twenty criteria and supplementary performance indicators, the Sustainability Code describes what constitutes the core of corporate sustainability and makes the sustainability performance of participating companies comparable.
Learn more - 24.08.2018
Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany publishes Baseline Report
With a Baseline Report, the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany publishes its first stocktaking. In addition to an analysis of sustainable activities in Frankfurt and other European financial centres, the importance of sustainability issues in companies was also examined. The report is the first publication of the cluster, which was established in spring 2018 and aims to mobilise the financial sector more strongly for climate protection and sustainable investment. Commerzbank is actively involved. - 10.08.2018
Commerzbank signs UN Women's Empowerment Principles
With the signing of the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) by the Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors Martin Zielke, Commerzbank commits to further promoting gender equality. The WEPs are the first global initiative to specifically address the empowerment of women in business through seven principles.
Learn more - 02.07.2018
Panel discussion on the "Action Plan for Inclusion
On the occasion of the publication of the "Action Plan Inclusion", Commerzbank invited to a panel discussion at its representative office in Berlin. Kerstin Griese, State Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and Olaf Guttzeit, Chairman of UnternehmensForum e.V., discussed the importance of inclusion and the commitment of companies with Jenny Friese, Divisional Board Member in the Private Customers segment of Commerzbank and Florian Boland, Spokesman of the Commerzbank employee network IDEAL. Commerzbank was the first bank in Germany to formulate guidelines with its "Action Plan Inclusion", which includes concrete goals, measures and projects for employees. Not only the more than 1,700 employees with a disability or recognised equality should benefit from this, butalso the customers. - 02.07.2018
Commerzbank again recognised as a particularly family- and life-phase-conscious company
Commerzbank has once again been awarded the certificate of the "berufundfamilie"
audit. The board of trustees of berufundfamilie Service GmbH thus acknowledges the long-standing commitment to a family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy. The Bank received the certificate, which is awarded by the non-profit Hertie Foundation together with berufundfamilie Service GmbH, for its nationwide childcare offering, its flexible working time models, offers for caring relatives and activities for the inclusion of people with disabilities, among other things. - 28.06.2018
Report on sustainable progress
Commerzbank presents the Report of its sustainability performance for 2017 in accordance with the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Report 2017). For the first time, we are following the new GRI standards. In selecting the topics, we also took into account the sector-specific information for financial service providers in the Sustainable Finance chapter. Here we report on the contribution Commerzbank makes to sustainable development in its core business.
Learn more - 27.06.2018
Nominated for the German Sustainability Award
Commerzbank has been nominated for the 11th German Sustainability Award for Companies for the first time. The award is presented by the German Sustainability Award Foundation in cooperation with the German government, leading municipal associations, business associations, civil society organisations and research institutions. The German Sustainability Award identifies the most sustainable companies in Germany in three size categories. The announcement of the winners and the award ceremony will take place in December 2018. - 21.06.2018
CO2 emissions from the Annual General Meeting offset
Commerzbank offset the greenhouse gas emissions caused by its 2018 Annual General Meeting amounting to 217 tonnes with CO2 certificates from climate protection projects (previous year: 247 tonnes). Commerzbank is thus following its climate strategy, which primarily aims to reduce CO2 emissions and compensate for unavoidable emissions by purchasing high-quality CO2 certificates. - 07.06.2018
Shortlist for ZukunftsGut, Germany's first prize for institutional cultural education
The nominees have been announced
The first winner of the individual prize for institutional cultural mediation in Germany, worth 50,000 euros, will be one of the following three institutions: Historisches Museum Frankfurt, Staatsschauspiel Dresden or Theater Oberhausen. The
initiator of ZukunftsGut is the Commerzbank Foundation. The prize, announced for the first time in the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, is aimed at state/public, private and non-profit cultural institutions from all over Germany that focus their outreach work on at least one of the thematic focal points of visual arts, music, literature, performing arts or cultural history. The final decision on the first-place winner will be made on 12 September 2018 in Frankfurt am Main.
Learn more (german only) - 06.06.2018
German Sustainability Action Days
From 30 May to 5 June 2018, the Sustainability Action Days of the German Council for Sustainable Development and the European Sustainability Week took place. This year, Commerzbank participated in the Action Days with a film screening. On 5 June, International Environment Day, it showed the documentary "A Plastic Ocean" to provide food for thought on the topic of sustainability. The interested public was invited to learn more about the consequences of global plastic consumption. Almost 100 people accepted this invitation. - 05.06.2018
Commerzbank publishes action plan for inclusion
Commerzbank is the first bank in Germany to publish an "Action Plan for Inclusion". In doing so, it commits to implementing numerous measures and projects by 2023 to further improve the situation of people with disabilities at Commerzbank. The action plan was developed on the basis of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 2009. It aims to break down mental barriers and create organisational conditions for successful cooperation between disabled and non-disabled people. - 18.05.2018
Culture of Integrity Award presented
Even against the initial resistance of a corporate client, two employees from the Darmstadt branch persevered and thus prevented him from falling victim to a "boss fraud" (CIO Fraud). They averted around one million euros in damage from him in this way. For this achievement, the sales assistant and the customer advisor now received the Culture of Integrity Award 2017 from Commerzbank as praise and recognition for exemplary behaviour in everyday life. From the jury's point of view, this case was particularly distinguished by commitment, courage and consistent action even in the face of resistance. - 09.04.2018
New framework on environmental and social risks
Commerzbank has defined a framework for dealing with environmental and social risks in its core business. It explains the bank's internal management of these risks and contains general exclusion criteria that specify which transactions Commerzbank generally does not support. It also sets out overarching requirements for respecting human rights and protecting indigenous peoples. Sector-specific requirements have been formulated for topics that are particularly susceptible to social and environmental risks. - 26.03.2018
Non-financial report
The entrepreneurial success of the Commerzbank Group is also influenced by a large number of non-financial factors. These were published today for the first time in a summarised separate non-financial report in accordance with the CSR Directive Implementation Act in the 2017 Annual Report.
Learn more - 24.03.2018
Lights out - environmental awareness on
Commerzbank once again took part in the worldwide Earth Hour and switched off the lights for one hour at 8.30 p.m. on 24 March at selected locations in Frankfurt and Berlin. The joint campaign also motivates people to live and act in a more environmentally friendly way far beyond the 60 minutes. Commerzbank is pursuing this goal with its own climate strategy. - 30.01.2018
Christmas campaigns
At Christmas 2017, Commerzbankers at the head office fulfilled more than 200 children's wishes. And every year, employees at other Commerzbank locations also carry out a wish list campaign nationwide.
News archive 2017
- 19.12.2017
Motiv-Investing from comdirect
With the new Motiv-Investing, comdirect customers can invest specifically in thematic areas that correspond to their personal values and convictions. The selection includes the environment, health, digitalisation, emerging markets, the German economy and megatrends. - 30.11.2017
FNG seal for Commerzbank fund
The "Commerzbank Global Equities - Catholic Values" fund meets the quality standard developed by Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. (FNG) for sustainable investments in German-speaking countries. For the second year in a row, the fund received the FNG seal with one star. The list of all funds awarded the FNG seal in 2018 comprises 45 titles. - 14.11.2017
Green Finance Cluster Frankfurt starts its work
The Green Finance Cluster Frankfurt was founded with the aim of supporting the contribution of the financial industry in the transformation process towards a climate-friendly and sustainable economy. Commerzbank has been involved from the very beginning.
Learn more - 26.10.2017
Apply now for the 2018 environmental internship
Commerzbank will again offer up to 75 students the opportunity to spend several months interning in 27 German national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves between the North Sea and the Alps next year. The application deadline is 15.01.2018. - 20.10.2017
New life for used paper towels
Since 2016, Commerzbank has been recycling paper towels from the head office washrooms. So far, over 25 tonnes of recycled towels have been returned to the trade as toilet paper. This pioneering project by Essity has now been awarded the European Paper Recycling Award 2017.
Learn more - 05.10.2017
Commerzbank supports Iberdrola's green bond
The Spanish energy group Iberdrola issued a €750 million green bond in September 2017 with the support of Commerzbank. The bond runs for 10 years and carries a coupon of 1.25%. Iberdrola is using the proceeds of the issue to finance and refinance renewable energy projects in Germany and the UK. Commerzbank acted as Joint Bookrunner for the transaction. This was the sixth Green Bond transaction for Iberdrola. - 29.09.2017
Declaration of conformity with the Sustainability Code
As in previous years, Commerzbank has issued a declaration of conformity with the German Sustainability Code (DNK). In twenty criteria and supplementary performance indicators, the Sustainability Code describes what constitutes the core of corporate sustainability and makes the sustainability performance of participating companies comparable.
Learn more - 28.08.2017
Commerzbank Tower receives LEED Platinum
Since August 2017, the Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt has been certified according to the LEED Existing Building Standard with Platinum status. Together with the Gallileo high-rise, Commerzbank thus uses two of only three buildings in Frankfurt certified with Platinum in the category "Existing Buildings". To achieve the award, the bank took various measures such as optimising the lighting.
Learn more - 26.07.2017
Sustainability report published
How can a bank shape the future? Commerzbank answers this question with its new corporate responsibility magazine. The Report of the sustainability performance 2016 according to the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative published at the same time completes the reporting.
Learn more - 21.07.2017
Computer monitors for a good cause
Commerz Direktservice GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Commerzbank, is donating 60 discarded but fully functional computer monitors to the City of Duisburg for a good cause. The City of Duisburg accepted the monitors at the Angertaler Straße Youth Centre. Some of the devices will benefit a project of the youth centre and others will be given to Duisburg schools. - 19.07.2017
Commerzbank fund awarded for climate friendliness
The sustainability fund "Commerzbank Global Equities - Catholic Values" is particularly climate-friendly: In Climetrics, the world's first rating of the climate impact of funds, it received four out of five possible points. The rating is based, among other things, on the environmental impact of the companies in the portfolio. The fund is one of Commerzbank's sustainable investment offerings, which take social and ecological aspects into account in addition to financial ones. - 13.06.2017
Commerzbank honoured for significant contribution to sustainability
Global Trade Review (GTR), the leading trade journal for trade finance in emerging markets, has honoured Commerzbank with the "Leaders in Trade 2016" award. The bank was named "Bank that has made the most significant contribution to sustainability". When financing trade transactions, Commerzbank generally sets high standards with regard to sustainability. - 01.06.2017
CO2 emissions from the Annual General Meeting offset
Commerzbank offset the greenhouse gas emissions caused by its 2017 Annual General Meeting amounting to 247 tonnes with CO2 certificates from climate protection projects (previous year: 301 tonnes). Commerzbank is thus following its climate strategy, which primarily aims to reduce CO2 emissions and compensate for unavoidable emissions by purchasing high-quality CO2 certificates. - 24.05.2017
Commerzbank signs "Frankfurt Declaration"
In May, almost 40 banks, companies, universities and non-governmental organisations - including Commerzbank - committed themselves to the goal of creating sustainable infrastructures in the financial system in a joint declaration by the financial sector. The declaration was initiated by Deutsche Börse.
Learn more - 11.04.2017
Sustainable investment - multiple benefits
In a special promotion, Commerzbank is offering five carefully selected sustainability funds in online banking without an issue surcharge between April and August 2017. Commerzbank is thus offering its private customers further opportunities to participate in the growing market for responsible investments with attractive returns. - 27.03.2017
Lights off - environmental awareness on
Commerzbank once again took part in the global "Earth Hour" campaign and switched off the lights at selected locations in Frankfurt and Berlin for one hour at 8.30 p.m. on 25 March. The joint campaign also motivates people to live and act in a more environmentally friendly way far beyond the 60 minutes. Commerzbank is pursuing this goal with its own climate strategy.
Learn more - 14.03.2017
Commerzbank participates in the Business Energy Efficiency Network
Together with 14 other Frankfurt-based companies, Commerzbank has joined the Energy Efficiency Networks initiative. The agreement, developed by the German government in cooperation with industry associations, aims to reduce Germany's primary energy consumption by 50 percent by 2050 (compared to 2008). In addition to the implementation of energy-saving measures, this project is about an intensive exchange of experience between the companies. They are supported in this by independent energy consultants.
Learn more - 21.02.2017
Commerz Real expands investments in renewable energies
For its "CR Institutional Renewable Energies", Commerz Real purchased two wind farms in Brandenburg for 105 million euros at the end of January. A total of 15 wind farms in the Dahme-Spreewald district southeast of Berlin now belong to the fund, which is expected to manage around 300 million euros. Further plants are to be added. The fund is aimed in particular at institutional investors, among whom interest in professionally managed renewable energy investments remains high. In addition to wind power, Commerz Real also invests in solar parks with several funds and, with a financed peak output of 385 megawatts, is one of the largest asset managers for solar plants.
News archive 2016
- 21.12.2016
Good advice for long-term customer relationships
Text: Sustainable also in the relationship with customers: For the German Institute for Service Quality (DISQ), Commerzbank is the "Consultant Bank 2016". This is the overall result of five studies with which DISQ examined 15 banks and savings banks in 2016. As the test winner, Commerzbank achieved top rankings in all studies. Its greatest strength is in construction financing. The advisors also scored well in the other studies with their competence, motivation, friendliness and targeted needs analyses (source: German Institute for Service Quality on behalf of n-tv).
Learn more - 23.11.2016
FNG seal for Commerzbank fund
The "Commerzbank Global Equities - Catholic Values" fund complies with the quality standard developed by Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. (FNG) for sustainable investments in German-speaking countries. The fund received the FNG seal with one star for this. The list of all funds awarded the FNG seal in 2017 comprises 38 titles. - 08.11.2016
The new engagement portal is online
Through a cooperation with Aktion Mensch, Commerzbank employees now have access to Germany's largest volunteer database. They can choose one in their area from over 10,000 offers and get involved in helping others. - 07.11.2016
Statement on the draft Climate Protection Plan 2050
Commerzbank, together with 40 other companies and industry associations, has issued a statement on the draft Climate Protection Plan 2050. As the central framework for Germany's contribution to the implementation of the global climate goals, the climate protection plan must be measured against the Paris Agreement. It should provide companies with a basis for action so that they can make optimal use of the economic opportunities offered by climate protection and be international leaders with sustainable innovations.
Learn more - 26.10.2016
Once again Sector Leader Financials in CDP ranking
The international non-profit organisation CDP has named Commerzbank "Sector Leader Financials" in the DACH region for the second time in a row. Overall, the bank achieves a score of A-, placing it in the top 15 percent of its sector. - 20.10.2016
Commerzbank included in STOXX Global ESG Leaders
Commerzbank was included in the STOXX® Global ESG Leaders sustainability index in autumn 2016. This places it in the top group of 300 companies worldwide that distinguish themselves by comprehensively taking environmental, social and governance criteria, the so-called ESG criteria, into account in their corporate actions.
Learn more - 17.10.2016
Apply now for the 2016 environmental internship
Commerzbank will again offer up to 70 students the opportunity to spend several months interning in 25 German national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves between the North Sea and the Alps next year. The application deadline is 15.01.2017. - 26.09.2016
Sustainable asset management
Interest in sustainable investments is growing continuously. In addition to foundations and churches, private customers increasingly want to invest their funds sustainably. Commerzbank offers these customers sustainable asset management that takes social, ethical and ecological aspects into account.
Learn more - 23.09.2016
Sustainability report particularly credible
Commerzbank came 4th out of the 79 large companies evaluated in the 2015 ranking of sustainability reports by IÖW/future with 481 points. The average score was 311 points. Commerzbank was one of only two companies to receive full points in the "credibility" category. - 14.09.2016
Declaration of conformity with the Sustainability Code
As in previous years, Commerzbank has issued a declaration of conformity with the German Sustainability Code (DNK). The Sustainability Code describes in twenty criteria and supplementary performance indicators what constitutes the core of corporate sustainability and makes the sustainability performance of participating companies comparable.
Learn more - 13.09.2016
CO2 compensation with social benefits
Commerzbank continuously reduces greenhouse gas emissions from banking operations. Where emissions cannot be prevented, they have been offset by high-quality certificates since 2015. To this end, Commerzbank has now purchased and decommissioned 20,000 certificates from a solar water heater project in South Africa. In addition to the ecological aspect, the programme has additional social benefits: Hundreds of new jobs have been created, and the solar water heaters also improve the quality of life for over 80,000 households.
Learn more - 07.09.2016
Political dialogue on the energy transition
The "Political Breakfast" at Commerzbank's Berlin Representative Office focused on issues relating to the energy transition. Stefan Kapferer, Managing Director of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries, provided the impetus for a discussion with the attending representatives from politics, science and business. Commerzbank has set itself the goal of contributing to the success of the energy transition, but also of taking advantage of the associated business opportunities. It is doing this within the framework of the Energiewende@Commerzbank project. - 31.08.2016
Commitment to helping refugees
Since late summer 2016, Commerzbank has been supporting the establishment and expansion of "Kompass" - JOBLINGE's new programme for integrating young refugees into the primary labour market - for three years. Commerzbank's commitment is part of "Wir zusammen" - the joint initiative of German business. - 03.08.2016
Report on sustainable progress
Commerzbank presents the Report of its sustainability performance for 2015 and once again follows the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The topics covered in this GRI report were selected based on a materiality analysis carried out in the reporting year. It shows which aspects of sustainability are most relevant for the Bank today and in the coming years: These are, in particular, issues of integrity, long-term stability, dealing with clients and employees, as well as sustainability criteria in lending and thus at the core of the Bank's performance.
Learn more - 21.07.2016
New coal guideline
The Board of Managing Directors of Commerzbank has adopted a new coal guideline. It takes a look at the key elements of the process chain from coal extraction to coal-fired power generation in power plants. With this new guideline, we are facing up to our responsibility in dealing with ecological and social risks. At the same time, we continue to support our clients in their strategic considerations in order to successfully meet the special challenges of the energy sector.
Learn more - 06.07.2016
Commerzbank again listed in "Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120"
Commerzbank is again listed in the semi-annual sustainability index "Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120". The index lists the 120 companies in the eurozone with the most successful environmental, social and governance performance. - 20.06.2016
Commerzbank honoured for sustainable working environment
Commerzbank has received the German Award for Excellence from DQS in the "Employer Accountability" category. Additional company offers such as health management, opportunities for flexible working hours and activities relating to the topic of career and family were evaluated. The bank thus creates a working environment that enables sustainable corporate success. This is the second time Commerzbank has received the award: in 2015, the bank's climate strategy was honoured. - 15.06.2016
B.A.U.M. Environmental Award presented in Berlin
The Haus der Commerzbank on Pariser Platz in Berlin was the venue for this year's B.A.U.M. Award ceremony on 6 June. In the evening, Federal Environment Minister Dr Barbara Hendricks presented the B.A.U.M. Environmental Award to business representatives, scientists and media representatives at a ceremony. - 13.06.2016
CO2 emissions from the Annual General Meeting offset
Commerzbank has offset the greenhouse gas emissions of 301 tonnes caused by its Annual General Meeting with CO2 certificates from climate protection projects. Commerzbank is thus following its climate strategy with the ambitious goal of reducing emissions by 70% by 2020. Unavoidable emissions are offset by the purchase of high-quality CO2 certificates. - 03.05.2016
Heroes for animals
As a pair of peregrine falcons breeds on the Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt am Main, the bank closes the roof for the entire nesting period. The animal rights organisation Peta has now awarded Commerzbank AG a "Heroes for Animals" certificate for its animal-friendly commitment. - 20.04.2016
One year of climate neutrality
Since January 2015, Commerzbank has been operating in a completely climate-neutral manner. The CO2 emissions of 121,083 tonnes incurred in 2015 were fully offset by the purchase and retirement of high-quality CO2 certificates.
Learn more - 18.04.2016
Human rights position revised
Commerzbank has revised and updated its position on human rights. In the position, it highlights how it implements human rights responsibility with regard to its most important stakeholders - employees, suppliers and customers. The human rights position is continuously reviewed and revised on a regular basis. The current position as well as information on other positions and guidelines of Commerzbank can be found in the section "Human Rights".
Learn more - 08.04.2016
More solar energy in 2015
The CFB funds Solar-Deutschlandportfolio I to V, which were issued by Commerz Real Fonds Beteiligungsgesellschaft and invested in solar parks in sunny areas of Germany, were able to deliver more renewable energy than forecast in 2015. Depending on the location, the additional yield was between 3 and 12 percent. In total, about 23,400,000 kWh more electricity was produced. This corresponds to the annual consumption of around 5,400 households with four people. The environment and the investors in the solar funds are happy about this. - 23.03.2016
Appeal for donations Refugee aid Germany
Commerzbank employees and customers showed great willingness to help the refugees arriving in Germany: by the end of 2015, they had donated around 65,000 euros to Johanniter's refugee aid. The Board of Managing Directors doubled this amount, making a total of 130,000 euros available to support Johanniter integration projects in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich. - 21.03.2016
Lights out - environmental awareness on
Commerzbank once again took part in the global "Earth Hour" campaign and switched off the lights at selected locations in Frankfurt and Berlin for one hour at 8.30 p.m. on 19 March. Even far beyond the 60 minutes, the joint campaign motivates people to live and act in a more environmentally friendly way. This year, the world's largest environmental campaign celebrated its 10th anniversary - and thousands of cities around the globe joined in the celebration. - 04.03.2016
Peace dove for Commerz Real Social Day
In May 2015, Commerz Real employees renovated the Albrecht Dürer Peace School in Wiesbaden. Now their efforts have been honoured with a dove of peace by artist Richard Hillinger. - 15.02.2016
Sustainability ratings in equity votes
Since the beginning of 2016, Commerzbank has included sustainability ratings from oekom research in its equity votes for private customers. Customers can find Commerzbank's votes in the Infobroker of online banking or receive them during an advisory meeting at the branch.
News archive 2015
- 14.12.2015
Commerzbank supports declaration by German business on the Paris climate agreement
Companies from many sectors of the German economy, supported by associations from business and civil society, have issued a joint declaration on the Paris climate agreement. - 27.11.2015
Commerzbank environmental internship awarded as official project of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity 2015/2016
Just in time for its 25th anniversary, the Commerzbank environmental internship has been awarded by the UNESCO Commission as an official project of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity 2015/2016. The project, which was launched in 1990 together with German national parks, combines commitment to nature conservation and the environment with educational opportunities for students of all disciplines. - 24.11.2015
Declaration of conformity with the Sustainability Code
Commerzbank has again issued a declaration of conformity with the German Sustainability Code (DNK). The Sustainability Code describes in twenty criteria and supplementary performance indicators what constitutes the core of corporate sustainability and makes the sustainability performance of participating companies comparable.
Learn more - 10.11.2015
Gold standard certificates offset business air travel
Since 2015, Commerzbank has been offsetting unavoidable CO2 emissions from its business activities with certificates from climate protection projects. Air travel is offset by projects of the highest quality (Gold Standard): For 2015, an award-winning efficient cooker project in countries in East Africa and a certified wind energy plant in Nicaragua were selected.
Learn more - 06.11.2015
Commerzbank included in climate protection index CDLI
Commerzbank has achieved the status of "Sector Leader Financials" in the DACH region in the current CDP ranking with 100 out of a possible 100 points. With this result, Commerzbank is listed in the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI). - 03.11.2015
Commerzbank focuses on e-mobility
Since November 2015, electric vehicles have also been part of the Commerzbank vehicle pool. Three e-cars and the corresponding charging stations were introduced at each of the locations in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich. The eGolf 7s have a range of around 150 kilometres and complement the conventional vehicle pool as an environmentally friendly alternative. - 29.10.2015
Commerzbank receives award for commitment to equal opportunities
For the seventh time, Commerzbank has received the Total E-Quality award for its successful commitment to equal opportunities. For the first time, it was also awarded the "Diversity Add-on" for its exemplary diversity management. - 16.10.2015
Commerzbank study: Scenarios for the future of sustainable trade
Together with Oxford Analytica, Commerzbank has published the second part of the study on the future of sustainable trade. Based on expert assessments and case studies, the study shows possible development paths of sustainable global trade.
Scenarios for sustainable trade .Five drivers of sustainable trade - 15.10.2015
Apply now for the 2016 environmental internship
Commerzbank will again offer up to 70 students the opportunity to spend several months on an internship in 25 German national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves between the North Sea and the Alps next year. The application deadline is 15.01.2016. - 25.09.2015
Commerzbank employees on duty at Malteser Social Day 2015
For the fourth time in a row, around 450 Commerzbank employees nationwide took part in Malteser Social Day. In the week from 21 to 25 September 2015, they supported a total of 43 social projects in 17 cities across Germany in cooperation with Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V.. This year, the focus was on commitment to the large number of refugees arriving in Germany. - 22.09.2015
Climate strategy awarded
Commerzbank receives the German Award for Excellence 2015 in the category "Carbon Footprint". At the DQS Sustainability Conference, the award was given for Commerzbank's climate strategy, its measures to avoid CO2 emissions or to compensate for unavoidable CO2 emissions, the bank's climate-friendly products and services, and its efforts to raise awareness of climate protection among employees and the public.
Learn more - 07.07.2015
CO2 emissions of the Annual General Meeting offset
Commerzbank was able to significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of the 2015 Annual General Meeting compared to previous years. The remaining unavoidable emissions of 306 tonnes of CO2 were offset by the purchase of certificates to support the climate protection projects ArBolivia and MoorFutures.
Learn more - 01.07.2015
Sustainability Agreement Thuringia
Commerzbank Erfurt will continue to participate in the Sustainability Agreement Thuringia over the next three years. The aim of the voluntary agreement between the state government and more than 400 participating companies is to improve the framework conditions for the further economic development of Thuringia, also from the point of view of sustainability. - 30.06.2015
Handing over the baton in the Customer Advisory Council
On 15 June, the handover from the previous to the new Customer Advisory Council took place: In a joint meeting with Martin Zielke, Board Member for Private Customers, and Customer Advisory Board mentors, the previous Customer Advisory Board members handed over their topics to their successors. - 29.06.2015
Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition
Commerzbank has joined the World Bank's
Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition. The aim is to put a price on the emission of CO2 worldwide that corresponds to the cost of the damage caused by greenhouse gas.
Learn more - 22.06.2015
Commerzbank included in another sustainability index
Since 1 June 2015, Commerzbank has been listed in the sustainability index "Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120". The index highlights the 120 companies in the eurozone with the most successful environmental, social and governance performance. - 21.04.2015
Commerzbank operates in a climate-neutral manner
Climate neutrality is a key objective of Commerzbank's climate strategy. This primarily involves reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. Compared to 2007, we have already been able to reduce emissions by 67%. Since 2015, unavoidable emissions have been offset using high-quality CO2 certificates.
Learn more - 20.04.2015
Award for exercising corporate responsibility
At the International Forum for Sustainability and Sustainability (CSR Forum), Commerzbank received the CSR Finalist Award. It is one of the three best companies in the category "CO2 avoidance as a contribution to climate protection". The award is proof of the Bank's successful implementation of its climate goal, which is to reduce its own emissions by 70 percent by 2020 - compared to the base year 2007. - 02.04.2015
New sustainability index licensed for Commerzbank
The DJSI Ethical Europe Low Volatility Index measures the performance of the 50 least volatile stocks in the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index while focusing exclusively on ethical investments. The index is exclusively licensed to Commerzbank, which thus serves the growing demand for sustainable and ethical financial products. - 28.03.2015
Symbolic act to protect the environment
Commerzbank once again took part in the global "Earth Hour" campaign and switched off the lights for one hour at selected locations in Frankfurt, Berlin and London at 8.30 p.m. on 28 March. An act that fits in with numerous measures taken by Commerzbank to protect the climate. - 18.03.2015
Commerzbank study on sustainable trade
Text: Together with Oxford Analytica, Commerzbank presented the study "Five Drivers of Sustainable Trade" in Berlin on 18 March. The study highlights influencing factors that will ensure more sustainable global trade in the next 10 to 15 years: regulatory requirements, increasing demand in emerging markets, changing supply chains, social alliances and innovative financing models. - 10.03.2015
Commerzbank Foundation sponsors Städel exhibition
The Commerzbank Foundation is the sole sponsor of the exhibition "Monet and the Birth of Impressionism", which officially launches the 200th anniversary of the Städel Museum in Frankfurt am Main. Around 100 works by artists such as Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, Auguste Renoir and Edgar Degas can be seen until 21 June 2015. - 02.03.2015
Bonus for low-emission bank cars
Since March 2015, Commerzbank has had a new bank car policy that takes even greater account of environmental aspects. A new bonus-malus model provides incentives for a more ecological choice of vehicle. In addition, employees can also lease electric cars for the first time.
Learn more - 26.02.2015
Guard rails of business activity
In the 2014 financial year, Commerzbank's Reputational Risk Management analysed more than 5,000 enquiries about financing, products and customer relationships in which sustainability aspects play a particular role. The significant increase in the number of votes is due in particular to the addition of new sensitive topic areas and the expansion of the fields of application. - 12.02.2015
Commerzbank Customer Advisory Board to be reappointed
Since 2009, our customers have been actively involved in the improvement of our products, advisory services and services in the Customer Advisory Board. For the next three-year term (2015 - 2018), we are again looking for 25 committed customers. Our customers have until 1 March 2015 to apply online for membership of the Customer Advisory Council. - 04.02.2015
Standard for sustainable procurement adopted
In December 2014, Commerzbank adopted the "Standard for Sustainable Procurement", binding guidelines for taking sustainability aspects into account when purchasing goods and services. In this standard, the bank documents what it expects from business partners and how it enforces these expectations.
Learn more - 19.01.2015
Commerzbankers drink fair trade coffee
Since 1 January 2015, only fair trade coffee has been offered in all Commerzbank casinos and at the coffee vending machines in our buildings throughout Germany - at no extra cost to employees. The changeover has taken place both where Commerzbank itself buys coffee and where service providers and suppliers are responsible for purchasing coffee. - 12.01.2015
Commerzbank Prague is a member of the "Coalition for Transparent Business"
Commerzbank Prague has been a member of the "Coalition for Transparent Business"
initiative since 2014. This initiative is an open association of Czech and international companies that was founded in 2011 with the aim of improving the conditions for a transparent economy in the Czech Republic. The focus is on creating a transparent environment - not only in public procurement. At the end of 2014, it had 41 members, including Bayer, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Mercedes-Benz, Siemens and SKODA AUTO.
News archive 2014
- 19.12.2014
Christmas joy for children in care
At this year's Christmas campaign, Commerzbank employees in Frankfurt fulfilled more than 200 gift wishes, including those from unaccompanied refugee children from war and crisis zones such as Somalia or Afghanistan. - 16.10.2014
Apply now for the 2015 environmental internship
In 2015, for the 25th year, Commerzbank is offering a total of 50 students from all disciplines an internship of several months in one of 25 participating German national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves between the North Sea and the Alps. The application deadline is 15.01.2015. - 15.10.2014
Commerzbank promoted to renowned climate protection index
Commerzbank has been promoted to the renowned Climate Performance Leadership Index (CPLI) and is the only bank from Germany to be represented there. - 22.09.2014
Around 500 Commerzbank employees across Germany take part in Malteser Social Day
For the third time in a row, around 500 Commerzbank employees across Germany are taking part in Malteser Social Day. In the week from 22 to 26 September 2014, they will be supporting a total of 44 social projects in 17 cities across Germany in cooperation with Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V.. - 09.09.2014
Since 1 September, 50 company bikes have been available free of charge to Commerzbank employees at five locations in Frankfurt. They can be used for business trips to other locations or customer appointments.
Learn more - 08.09.2014
Corporate responsibility status report published
The 2014 status report presents the main news in Commerzbank's assumption of corporate responsibility. It also serves as a progress report on the status of implementation of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and presents the key figures of sustainable corporate activity for 2013. - 27.08.2014
Commerzbank is a member of the Green Bond Principles
Commerzbank has been a member of the Green Bond Principles since July 2014. By supporting the Green Bond Principles, we are demonstrating the importance of embedding sustainability principles in the Bank's core business today and in the future.
Learn more - 21.07.2014
CO2 emissions of the Annual General Meeting offset
Commerzbank was able to significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of the 2014 Annual General Meeting compared to previous years. The remaining unavoidable emissions of 387 tonnes of CO2 were offset by the purchase of certificates to support the ArBolivia and MoorFutures projects. - 02.07.2014
Philippines: Reconstruction after Typhoon Haiyan
Even seven months after the devastating cyclone, the reconstruction work on the Philippine islands is far from complete. A Commerzbank appeal for donations for the "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" alliance brought in over 544,000 euros in donations from employees and customers, which are urgently needed to ensure long-term livelihoods. - 10.06.2014
10,000 steps for health
In 2014, Commerzbank and a total of 819 employees took part in the Global Corporate Challenge (GCC), a worldwide campaign to promote physical activity. Over a period of 100 days, the participants wear a pedometer and use it to measure their physical activity behaviour. While the average office worker takes 3,000 steps a day, a healthy physical activity profile should be 10,000 a day. - 04.06.2014
Commerzbank participates in the 2nd German Diversity Day
The 2nd German Diversity Day took place on 3 June 2014. Commerzbank offered employees the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information on the topic of diversity. Representatives from employee networks, the works council, representatives of the severely disabled, company sports and the diversity team were available to talk to. During an evening event, Professor Armin Nassehi shed light on the topic "Diversity - fashionable topic or success factor?"
Learn more - 26.05.2014
Commerzbank London and the Prince's Trust - one year of commitment to young people
In May 2014, Commerzbank London celebrated the first anniversary of its partnership with the Prince's Trust, a UK-based charity that provides practical and financial support to disadvantaged young people. Following the success of the first twelve months, Commerzbank London looks forward to continuing this exciting and mutually rewarding partnership. - 21.05.2014
Bike to work - Commerzbank pioneers bike leasing
Commerzbank has developed an innovative bike lease offer for its employees. As one of the first companies, the bank enables its employees to use bicycles, pedelecs or other e-bikes as part of a tax-optimised leasing model. In this way, the bank wants to encourage more employees to switch from cars to bicycles.
Learn more - 13.05.2014
Commerzbank environmental internship launched
51 students from Germany and abroad will be supporting protected areas from the Watzmann to the Wadden Sea over the next three to six months. For almost 25 years now, Commerzbank's environmental internship has enabled interested students to combine their passion for nature with practical experience in nature conservation. - 09.05.2014
Support for employees with relatives in need of care
In the future, Commerzbank will provide its employees with even more support in caring for relatives. Employees at the Frankfurt head office who are affected can have those in need of care examined by a team of doctors during a free geriatric check-up. In addition, there is a day care centre that mainly accommodates relatives suffering from dementia. So-called "SOS caregivers" provide support at home when help is needed spontaneously.
Learn more - 29.04.2014
Three peregrine falcons hatched
For the eighth year in a row, Commerzbank is delighted to have falcon offspring on the 67th floor, just under 260 metres above the ground. As peregrine falcons need breeding sites at high altitudes, the high-rise building at the bank's headquarters offers ideal conditions. The young birds will spend another four to six weeks on the roof and then leave the territory.
Learn more - 29.03.2014
Symbolic act for climate protection
Commerzbank once again took part in the global "Earth Hour" campaign and switched off the lights for one hour at selected locations in Frankfurt, Berlin and London at 8.30 p.m. on 29 March. - 26.02.2014
Determining the limits of business activity
In the 2013 financial year, Commerzbank's Reputational Risk Management analysed more than 2,800 enquiries about financing, products and customer relationships in which sustainability aspects play a particular role. Around 10 percent of the enquiries received a negative rating due to social, environmental, or ethical concerns. - 13.02.2014
Application for the "Green Ribbon"
Sports clubs can apply for the "Green Ribbon" until 31 March 2014: Commerzbank and the German Olympic Sports Confederation will once again award 50 clubs for their outstanding promotion of young talent in 2014. The award is endowed with a sponsorship premium of 5,000 euros each. - 06.01.2014
Last chance for an environmental internship in 2014
The deadline for applications for the Commerzbank environmental internship is 15th of January: for almost 25 years, Commerzbank has enabled 50 students of all disciplines to spend several months interning in one of 25 participating German national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves between the North Sea and the Alps every year. - 02.01.2014
Another award for "WikIdee"
The trade magazine Human Resources Manager has honoured Commerzbank's ideas platform with the Excellence Award 2013 in the category "Knowledge Management". The jury was particularly impressed by the cooperative way in which employees can discuss suggestions for improvement and work out solutions to problems.
Learn more - 02.01.2014
Commerzbank employees fulfil Christmas wishes
In 2013, Commerzbank employees at the Frankfurt location once again gave Christmas presents to needy children, young people and carers in children's homes or other social institutions. Alone or as part of a team, over 100 specific wishes were fulfilled, the gifts lovingly wrapped and handed over in time for Christmas.
News archive 2013
- 02.12.2013
New standard for pool vehicles reduces CO2 emissions
By standardising its approximately 500 pool vehicles, Commerzbank will reduce average CO2 emissions to less than 100 g CO2 / km in future (from 122 g CO2/km in 2012). This corresponds to a saving of 227 tonnes of CO2 annually (minus 18% compared to the previous fleet) and pays towards the bank's ambitious climate target.
Learn more - 18.11.2013
Charter for the compatibility of work and care
Commerzbank has signed the Hessian "Charter for the compatibility of work and care in Hesse" together with five other companies. Commerzbank employees with relatives in need of care are supported in a variety of ways, for example through free placement and advisory services or models for making working hours and location more flexible.
Learn more - 15.11.2013
Commerzbank signs German Sustainability Code
Commerzbank has issued a declaration of compliance with the German Sustainability Code (DNK). The Sustainability Code describes in twenty criteria and supplementary performance indicators what constitutes the core of corporate sustainability and makes the sustainability performance of participating companies comparable.
Learn more - 13.11.2013
Climate Disclosure Leadership Index 2013
Commerzbank is among the top 10 percent of companies in this year's CDP Climate Disclosure Ranking (DACH region) and is thus listed in the Leadership Index. In addition to the transparency of our reporting (Disclosure Score 90 points), we were also able to improve our performance in regard to climate-relevant aspects (Performance Score A-). - 28.10.2013
Order Sustainability Report 2013 now
In the "Corporate Responsibility Report 2013", Commerzbank takes stock of its multifaceted commitment for the fifth time. Under the title "Responsibility. Trust. Confidence.” the bank explains how ecological, social and ethical criteria are lived and promoted in the various units of the bank. - 21.10.2013
Welthungerhilfe CSR event
Under the title "CSR - Success Factor for SMEs", an event was held by Welthungerhilfe in the Commerzbank Tower on 17 October. Various keynote speeches and a panel discussion showed SMEs opportunities for strategic CSR and offered helpful insights into practice. - 15.10.2013
Apply now for the Commerzbank Environmental Internship 2014
In 2014, Commerzbank will once again enable a total of 50 students from all disciplines to spend several months on an internship in one of 25 participating German national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves between the North Sea and the Alps. The application deadline is 15.01.2014. - 03.09.2013
Commerzbank employees support social projects
Around 500 Commerzbank employees got involved in a total of 46 projects at 18 locations nationwide around Malteser Social Day on 27 September 2013. Once again, the Bank was the largest group of participants. Social commitment is an important element of Commerzbank's corporate culture. - 05.07.2013
Help for victims of the flood disaster
Customers and employees of Commerzbank donated around 240,000 euros for victims of the flood, the Board of Managing Directors is increasing this amount to 300,000 euros. Since mid-June, Commerzbank has been offering special loans to flood victims, which are interest- and repayment-free for the first six months and can be repaid at any time free of charge. - 26.04.2013
Start of the Open-Air Semester 2013
This year Commerzbank and Europarc Germany, the umbrella organisation of the National Natural Landscapes, are once again enabling more than 50 students from Germany and abroad to take part in an "Internship for the Environment" in one of 25 German national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves. - 03.04.2013
Commerzbank among the top 20 "Green Banks"
Bloomberg determines the 40 greenest banks in the world each year. Commerzbank is among the top 20 for the first time in 2013. An important aspect for the good rating was the commitment in the field of renewable energies, which Commerzbank bundles in
the Hamburg Center of Competence Renewable Energies. This makes it one of the world's largest financiers of renewable energies. - 23.03.2013
Symbolic act for climate protection
Commerzbank once again took part in the global "Earth Hour" campaign and switched off the lights for one hour at selected locations in Frankfurt, Berlin and London at 8.30 p.m. on 23 March. - 20.03.2013
Commerzbank has the best idea management
Wikidee is the "Best Idea Management 2013" in the banking and insurance sector. The prize was awarded by the umbrella organisation "Zentrum Ideenmanagement". It is supported by the German Institute for Idea and Innovation Management. Above all, the possibility to discuss and vote on ideas in an online platform convinced the experts.
Learn more - 28.02.2013
All domestic locations now with 100% green electricity
Commerzbank AG Germany has been obtaining 100% of its electricity from renewable energy sources since January 2013. This means that all of the Bank's approximately 1,300 buildings in Germany are now powered only by green electricity. Reducing its own emissions is an essential part of Commerzbank's climate strategy.
Learn more - 28.02.2013
Certified health management
From workplace inspections to stress management seminars - Commerzbank does a lot to maintain and promote the health of its employees. The Bank was the first company in Germany to be certified according to the "Corporate Health Standard" by TÜV Süd for this exemplary company health management. - 18.01.2013
100,000 euros for SOS Children's Villages in Africa
Commerzbank AG is supporting SOS Children's Villages in Africa with a total of 100,000 euros in 2012 and 2013. The amount will benefit projects in the areas of education and sustainability in Ghana and Liberia, e.g. the purchase of IT equipment for schools and the installation of photovoltaic systems for children's villages. - 14.01.2013
Commerzbank joins UPJ
Commerzbank has sealed its membership of UPJ by signing the "Berlin Call for Networking and Dissemination of Corporate Citizenship, Social Responsibility and Social Cooperation". UPJ is the network of committed companies and non-profit intermediary organisations in Germany. - 02.01.2013
New climate target ensures further CO2 reduction
30 percent less greenhouse gas emissions from 2007 to 2011 was Commerzbank's first climate target. By the end of 2012, the bank had even managed to halve greenhouse gas emissions. The Group Environmental Committee has now adopted a new climate target: C02 emissions are to be reduced by a further 20 percent by 2020.
News archive 2012
- 12.12.2012
Status report on corporate responsibility 2012 presented
The status report briefly and concisely presents the main news in the area of corporate responsibility as well as the progress made here. It meets the requirements of a progress report on the status of implementation of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. - 25.09.2012
Commerzbank in dialogue: 100% information = 100% responsible? - How much protection does the consumer need?
Since the financial market crisis, and especially since the collapse of the US investment bank Lehman Brothers, an intensive discussion has been initiated about ways to improve investment advice. Since then, many things have been regulated by law. On 24 September 2012, Martin Zielke, Member of the Board of Management for Private Clients, discussed the right level of consumer protection with Ralph Brinkhaus, Member of the Bundestag, Klaus Wolfgang Müller, Chairman of the Consumer Advice Centre NRW, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Oehler from the University of Bamberg. - 11.09.2012
The "Internship for the Environment" starts in a new round
From now on, students of all disciplines can apply for an exciting open-air semester. Europarc Germany, the umbrella organisation of national parks, biosphere reserves and nature parks, and Commerzbank will once again enable around 50 students to spend three to six months on an internship in one of the 25 participating National Natural Landscapes in 2013. - 22.08.2012
2,500 trees for Plant-for-the-Planet
The proceeds from a mobile phone collection campaign organised by Commerzbank Environmental Management were donated to the school initiative "Plant-for-the-Planet", which was founded in 2007 by Felix Finkbeiner, who was nine years old at the time, and is now based on the cooperation of around 100,000 children in over 100 countries. Under the motto "Every single tree is a symbol for climate justice", the pupils plan to plant one million trees worldwide. Commerzbank's donation enabled 2,500 trees to be planted, which now absorb around 25 tonnes of CO2 annually. - 07.08.2012
Praxis Academy of the Campus of Excellence starts
In the Praxis Academy, students work on challenging projects in companies for
several weeks and act as advisors to management during this time. Commerzbank co-founded the Campus of Excellence educational initiative and is offering a project again this year. - 31.07.2012
Commerzbank Foundation Centre opens new office in Berlin
The Commerzbank Foundation Centre opens a new office in Berlin on 1 August. The
head of the foundation office in the capital is Ralf Suermann. "Our foundations are an expression of Commerzbank's social commitment," says Doris Schwerdtfeger, Head of the Commerzbank Foundation Centre. "We take this task very seriously. The projects we support in the areas of education, art and culture as well as in the social sector, should be sustainable, but at the same time also take new impulses into account. That's why direct contact with their representatives is extremely important to us at such a vibrant centre as Berlin." - 31.07.2012
Commerzbank offers apprenticeships to more than 900 young people in 2012
Commerzbank is recruiting more than 900 trainees and students on dual courses of study as of 1 August 2012. The Bank's trainee ratio is just under 7 % and thus remains at a high level. Across Germany, more than 30,000 young people again applied for a training place at Commerzbank. - 26.07.2012
New music prize awarded for the first time by the Jürgen Ponto Foundation
For the first time this year, the Jürgen Ponto Foundation for the Promotion of Young Artists, which belongs to Commerzbank, is awarding a new music prize in the field of chamber music. The winner of the €60,000 prize is the Amaryllis Quartet from Cologne. Cooperation partners are the Beethovenfest in Bonn, the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival and the Heidelberger Frühling. - 06.07.2012
“The Green Ribbon”: 50 clubs can look forward to receiving a grant of 5,000 euros
"The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and Commerzbank AG have awarded 50 sports clubs the "Green Ribbon for exemplary talent development in clubs". The award comes with a prize of 5,000 euros each, which is intended to get young people even more active. - 27.06.2012
Commerzbank in dialogue: Revolution at the click of a mouse - How is the net changing our society?
The internet has long been part of everyday life, but the digital revolution continues to race ahead. The new communication on the net and its risks were discussed on 27 June 2012 as part of our "Commerzbank in dialogue" event series in Berlin. See the highlights of the event here. - 22.06.2012
ARCO celebrates its 10th anniversary
ARCO, Commerzbank's gay and lesbian employee network, has been successfully promoting the reduction of prejudice and discrimination for 10 years. ARCO was founded in 2002 on the initiative of employees with non-material and financial support from Commerzbank. The aim of the network, which has around 400 members, is to create a working environment in which all employees can carry out their work and pursue their professional goals without being discriminated against - regardless of their sexual orientation.
Learn more - 20.06.2012
PLAZA SHOWS: "Über die Haut" - an exhibition by Dominik Gohla and Hannes Michanek
From 22 June to 27 September 2012, the artists Dominik Gohla and Hannes Michanek will be showing selected works in the lobby of the Commerzbank high-rise building on Frankfurt's Kaiserplatz. Working in different genres, both Städel students have developed their works especially for this exhibition venue. - 15.06.2012
Guest of the Federal President
Around 200 exhibitors presented their forward-looking environmental and nature conservation projects in the park of Bellevue Palace on 5 and 6 June. Commerzbank also accepted the invitation of the Federal President and the German Federal Foundation for the Environment to the "Week of the Environment": it presented the innovative project "Internship for the Environment". - 01.06.2012
MMK Foundation entered in the Golden Book of Frankfurt Foundations
The city of Frankfurt has gained a new foundation: the MMK Foundation of the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst (MMK) Frankfurt was entered in the Golden Book of Frankfurt Foundations today. The newly established foundation is to support, among other things, restoration, cultural education, exhibitions and collection presentations as well as research projects of the MMK. The foundation's assets amount to one million euros and come from a donation made by Commerzbank in 2010. - 22.05.2012
Climate-neutral Annual General Meeting
Commerzbank is also making this year's Annual General Meeting climate-neutral, thus achieving another milestone in the implementation of its climate strategy. Non-avoidable CO2 emissions will be offset after the AGM through the purchase and retirement of high-quality emission certificates from a climate protection project in Bolivia. - 23.04.2012
Internship for the Environment 2012
Commerzbank and EUROPARC Deutschland e.V., the umbrella organisation of national parks, biosphere reserves and nature parks, are once again enabling around 50 students to spend three to six months on an internship in one of the 24 National Natural Landscapes. The project, which has received an award from UNESCO, has enabled more than 1,300 students to spend an open-air semester in the past 20 years and has been the start of professional life for many. - 29.02.2012
Apply now for Green Ribbon 2012
"The Green Ribbon for exemplary talent development in clubs" is the most important prize for the promotion of young talent in competitive sport. Until 31 March 2012, sports clubs or club departments can submit their applications to their top association for the young talent prize, which is awarded by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and Commerzbank AG and endowed with 5,000 euros.
Awards 2023
Sustainability ranking
Commerzbank is the only German bank to be listed in Corporate Knights'
"Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index" (G100) for
the fifth time in a row this year. Commerzbank is ranked 85th in the 2023 Global 100 and 6th in the sector comparison.
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Sustainable Operations
For its commitment to environmental protection in office organisation, Commerzbank was awarded first place in the category "Companies with over 500 employees" by B.A.U.M. e.V. in the 2022 "Office and Environment" competition.
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Awards 2022
Sustainable Finance
Stern magazine tested various German banks for their sustainability activities as part of a "bank check" and presented its results in October. Commerzbank came in third with 5 stars and a score of 81.7 points, behind GLS Bank and Bank für Kirche und Diakonie - KD-Bank. The categories assessed were sustainability, leadership as well as products and financing.
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Finance Global Finance magazine presented its Sustainable Finance Awards for the second time (July/August 2022 issue). Awards were given at global, regional and local levels to financial institutions that are taking a leading role in financing initiatives to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change and help create a more sustainable future for humanity. Criteria for selecting the winners were: Overall sustainability finance, excellence in bond issuance, community support, resource management, transparency and reporting, infrastructure and sustainability finance in emerging markets. Performance was assessed over the calendar year 2021.
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Sustainability ranking
text: Commerzbank is ranked in Corporate Knights'
Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index (G100) for
the fourth year in a row this year, making it one of only six German companies and also the only German bank. In the 2022 Global 100, Commerzbank is ranked 60th, improving 7 places compared to last year.
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In the ranking of sustainability reports by Zielke Research Consult, Commerzbank took first place among 110 German credit institutions evaluated. In the area of environment, the bank scored particularly well with its transparent presentation of measures to reduce CO2 emissions and to integrate ESG criteria into lending. In the area of Social, the high quota of women in management positions and the high inclusion rate were highlighted as well as the social benefits for employees and the disclosure of customer satisfaction scores. Full marks were awarded in the area of governance.
Sustainable Operations
Commerzbank was again recognised by the international non-profit organisation CDP for its commitment to climate protection in the supply chain. This places it among the top 10% of companies assessed. The assessment is based on selected criteria from the CDP Questionnaire 2021, including the bank's
own objectives, Scope 3 emissions, cooperation with suppliers and the bank's
overall "CDP climate change" score. In particular, Commerzbank sets an example for the environmental and social compatibility of purchased products and services with its standard for sustainable procurement and the supplier self-disclosure form.
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Awards 2021
The "Focus Money" study 2021, developed by the
German-language business magazine of Focus Magazin Verlag in cooperation with the Cologne-based consulting and analysis company ServiceValue, rated both Commerzbank and Comdirect as "very good" in the overall rating, placing them in the top group. The study evaluated 142 financial service providers, including building societies, health insurers and car finance companies. Commerzbank scores particularly well in the individual categories "socially responsible action" and "ecological sustainability". The managing director of ServiceValue emphasises in Focus magazine: "This shows that the companies actually keep their promises - and don't preach empty words."
Commerzbank has been nominated three times for the Sustainability Heroes Awards 2021 by DQS Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität: in the categories Sustainability Strategy, Carbon Footprint and Biodiversity. The nominations confirm our strategic orientation with a focus on Net-Zero Banking and recognise our contribution to species conservation with the Commerzbank Environmental Internship.
A study by Zielke-Research-Consult compared the CSR reporting of 119 German banks with a minimum Report total of €5 billion. The basis for the evaluation was the sustainability reports that have been mandatory since 2017 according to CSR-RUG. The study examined their compliance with the sustainability goals set by the EU. The three ESG dimensions - environmental, social and governance - each accounted for one third of the evaluation. Commerzbank's Non-Financial Statement 2019 was ranked 6th and is thus among the top performers.
Sustainability ranking
Commerzbank is listed in Corporate Knights' "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index" (G100) for the third time this year and ranks 67th in the 2021 ranking. Commerzbank is also listed among the top 10 most sustainable banks in the world and is one of 7 companies in the index. The ranking recognises the bank's many sustainability achievements.
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The magazine Capital and the data portal Statista have awarded Commerzbank the title of "climate-conscious company". For this purpose, about 2000 companies were examined to see how successful they have been in reducing their CO2 emissions over the last few years. The evaluation also took into account the ratio of emission savings in comparison to the development of turnover. The best 100 companies in the study received an award. Climate protection has long been an important topic at Commerzbank. We have already reduced our CO2 emissions by 70% between 2007 and 2018. Our new climate target includes a further reduction of 15% by 2025.
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Sustainable Operations
Commerzbank was again recognised by the international non-profit organisation CDP for its commitment to climate protection in the supply chain. This places it among the top 7% of companies assessed. The assessment is based on selected criteria from the CDP Questionnaire 2020, including the bank's own objectives, Scope 3 emissions, cooperation with suppliers and the bank's overall "CDP climate change" score. In particular, Commerzbank sets an example for the environmental and social compatibility of purchased products and services with its standard for sustainable procurement and the supplier self-disclosure form.
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Awards 2020
Sustainable corporate governance
Commerzbank and comdirect were both named companies with a "very high contribution to the common good". This is the result of a Germany-wide survey for WirtschaftWoche. A total of 2,138 regionally based companies were rated by residents of the respective districts. Both Commerzbank (rank 44) and comdirect (rank 346) are thus among the most valuable employers for the common good in 2020.
Sustainability ranking
In March 2020, Deutsche Börse Group launched the DAX 50 ESG. Commerzbank has been included in the index of the top 50 companies right from the start. The
index composition focuses on both the stock market value and the ESG performance of the companies.
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Sustainability ranking
WWF Germany has published its first "Rating for the integration of sustainability in core business areas". For this, Germany's 14 largest banks were assessed against the WWF's requirements for the "sustainable bank 2025". Commerzbank is in the upper midfield in
both private and corporate banking.
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Sustainability ranking
For the second time this year, Commerzbank is listed in Corporate Knights' "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index" (G100) and ranks 59th in the 2020 ranking. This represents an improvement of 8 places compared to the previous year. Commerzbank is one of five German companies in the index.
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Sustainable Operations
Commerzbank was recognised by the international non-profit organisation CDP for its management of climate risks in the supply chain. This places it among the top 3% of companies assessed. The assessment is based on selected criteria from the 2019 CDP questionnaire, including Scope 3 emissions and cooperation with suppliers, as well as the bank's overall CDP climate change score. In particular, Commerzbank sets an example for the environmental sustainability of purchased products and services with the standard for sustainable procurement and the supplier self-disclosure form.
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Awards 2019
Sustainable corporate governance
Commerzbank has made it onto the winner's podium twice when it comes to career advancement for women. According to a recent study commissioned by "Deutschland Test", Commerzbank offers top career opportunities for women. Around 5,000 companies from 150 sectors were surveyed, and Commerzbank emerged as the winner in the credit institutions sector. Commerzbank
was also awarded this year's Helga Stödter Prize by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce on 8th of April. It received the prize alongside Beiersdorf AG in the category "Large Company" for its commitment in the area of mixed leadership. The jury paid particular tribute to the segment- and hierarchy-independent employee network Courage, which is particularly committed to career advancement and networking for women.
Sustainability ranking
Commerzbank is included in Corporate Knights' Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index (G100) for the first time, ranking 67th in the 2019 rankings. Of the five German companies in the index, Commerzbank comes in second best and it is in the top 10 of the 14 banks listed globally.
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Sustainable corporate governance
The trade magazine Compliance Manager examined the codes of conduct of major German companies. Commerzbank's Code of Conduct ranked first in the evaluation along with Daimler, E.ON, Siemens and Avista Oil. The editors of Compliance Manager particularly emphasised that the topics are presented "in appropriate language and without a raised forefinger" with all the information and contacts necessary for a complete understanding. Commerzbank received a score of 1 across the board for this.
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Awards 2018
Commerzbank has been nominated for the German Sustainability Award 2019 for companies. The award is presented by the German Sustainability Award Foundation. The announcement of the winners and the award ceremony will take place in December 2018.
Sustainable corporate governance
Commerzbank has once again received the certificate of the "berufundfamilie" audit. The Board of Trustees of berufundfamilie Service GmbH thus acknowledges the long-standing commitment to a family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy.
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Sustainable corporate governance
In 2018, Commerzbank received the Total E-Quality award for its successful commitment to equal opportunities for the eighth time and the "Add-on Diversity" for its exemplary diversity management for the second time.
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Sustainable Finance
Text: The "Global Equities - Catholic Values" fund complies with the quality standard for sustainable investments in German-speaking countries developed by Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. (FNG) and received the FNG seal for it for the third time in a row, albeit with two stars for the first time.
Awards 2017
Sustainability rating
In January 2017, Commerzbank moved up to the Prime segment in the Oekom Research
rating for the first time. This makes it one of the world's leading companies when it comes to taking environmental and social criteria into account in corporate governance.
Sustainable Finance
Global Trade Review (GTR), the leading trade finance journal for emerging markets, has honoured Commerzbank with the "Leaders in Trade 2016" award. The bank was named "Bank that has made the most significant contribution to sustainability". When financing trade transactions, Commerzbank generally sets high standards with regard to sustainability.
Sustainable Finance
The sustainability fund "Commerzbank Global Equities - Catholic Values" is particularly climate-friendly: in Climetrics, the world's first rating of the climate impact of funds, it received four out of five possible points. The rating is based, among other things, on the environmental impact of the companies in the portfolio. The fund is one of Commerzbank's sustainable investment offerings, which take social and ecological aspects into account in addition to financial ones.
Sustainable Operations
Since August 2017, the Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt has been certified
according to the LEED Existing Building Standard with platinum status. Together with the Gallileo high-rise, Commerzbank thus uses two of only three buildings in Frankfurt that are certified with platinum in the category "Existing Buildings". To achieve the award, the bank took various measures such as optimising the lighting.
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Sustainable Operations
Since 2016, Commerzbank has been recycling paper towels from the head office washrooms. So far, over 25 tonnes of recycled towels have been returned to the trade as toilet paper. This pioneering project by Essity has now been awarded the European Paper Recycling Award 2017.
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Awards 2016
In April 2016, the animal rights organisation Peta honoured Commerzbank as "Heroes for Animals" for its "Exemplary commitment to protected bird species". As a pair of peregrine falcons breeds on the Commerzbank headquarters in Frankfurt, the roof is closed for the entire nesting period. The peregrine pair is breeding on the 259-metre-high building for the tenth year in a row.
Sustainable corporate governance
In June 2016, Commerzbank received the German Award for Excellence from DQS in the "Employer Accountability"
category. Additional company offers such as health management, opportunities for flexible working hours and activities relating to the topic of career and family were evaluated. The bank thus creates a working environment that enables sustainable corporate success.
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Sustainability ranking
As of June 2016, Commerzbank is again listed in the semi-annually renewed sustainability index "Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120" This index highlights the 120 companies in the eurozone with the most successful environmental, social and governance performance, assessed using 330 indicators.
Commerzbank ranked 4th among the 79 large companies evaluated in the 2015 IÖW/future sustainability report ranking with 481 points. The average score was 311 points. Commerzbank was one of only two companies to receive full points in the "credibility" category.
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Sustainability ratings
The international non-profit organisation CDP honours Commerzbank as Sector Leader Financials in the DACH region for the second time in a row. Overall, the bank achieves a score of A-, placing it among the top 15 percent in its sector.
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Sustainability ranking
Commerzbank was included in the STOXX® Global ESG Leaders sustainability index in autumn 2016. This places it in the top group of 300 companies worldwide that distinguish themselves by comprehensively taking ESG criteria into account in their corporate actions.
Sustainable Finance
The "Commerzbank Global Equities - Catholic Values" fund complies with the quality standard developed by Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. (FNG) for sustainable investments in German-speaking countries. The fund received the FNG seal with one star for this. The list of all funds awarded the FNG seal in 2017 comprises 38 titles.
Awards 2015
Sustainability ranking
Commerzbank was included in the sustainability index "Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120" as of 1 June 2015. This index highlights the 120 companies in the Eurozone with the most successful environmental, social and governance performance, assessed using 330 indicators from 38 sustainability drivers.
Sustainable corporate governance
Commerzbank is one of the winners of a nationwide survey on sustainability in the banking category. According to "Focus Money", it achieved a score of 5.6633, for which it received a bronze medal, making it one of the above-average rated brands.
In September 2015, Commerzbank received the German Award for Excellence in the "Carbon Footprint" category at the DQS Sustainability Conference. The award was given for Commerzbank's climate strategy to avoid CO2 emissions or compensate for unavoidable CO2 emissions, the bank's climate-friendly products and services, and its efforts to raise awareness of climate protection among employees and the public.
In October 2015, Commerzbank received the Total E-Quality award for the seventh time for its sustainably successful commitment to equal opportunities. For the first time, it was also awarded the "Diversity Add-on" for its exemplary diversity management.
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In November 2015, the Commerzbank Environmental Internship was recognised by the UNESCO Commission as an official project of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity 2015/2016. The project, which was launched in 1990 together with German national parks, combines commitment to nature conservation and the environment with educational opportunities for students of all disciplines.
Awards 2014
Sustainability ranking
In October 2014, Commerzbank was promoted to the renowned Climate Performance Leadership Index (CPLI) and is the only bank from Germany in this index.
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Market & Customers
In the bank test conducted by €uro magazine in May 2014, Commerzbank ranked first as the "Best Branch Bank in Germany". In particular, on-site advisory services had improved significantly and led to the excellent result.
Commerzbank has been awarded the "Work and Family" certificate by the Hertie Foundation for the fifth time for its family-conscious HR policy.
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Awards 2013
Market & Customers
Commerzbank is named best bank in the advisory category by the business and financial newspaper €uro am Sonntag, among others.
WikIdee wins the European Excellence Award of the trade magazine Human Resources Manager in the category Knowledge Management.
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Sustainability rating
Commerzbank is among the top 10 percent of companies in the German-speaking region in the CDP Climate Disclosure Ranking and is thus listed in the Leadership Index (CDLI).
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Sustainable Operations
Commerzbank London receives Carbon Trust Standard certification for the third time in a row.
Sustainable Operations
The certificate of the environmental management system according to ISO 14001 of Commerzbank AG with all locations in Germany is successfully renewed.
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Awards 2012
Market & Customers
The KundenKompass as a starting point for fair and competent advice in private customer business receives the rating "excellent financial analysis" from Focus Money.
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Corporate governance
Commerzbank's successful and sustainable corporate strategy in Africa is recognised with the
Best of European Business Award
Commerzbank receives the Total E-Quality award for the sixth time - an award for equal opportunities in human resources policy.
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Sustainability ranking
The financial news service provider Bloomberg includes Commerzbank in its list of the 20 greenest banks in the world for the first time.
Commerzbank's 2011 Sustainability Report wins the Gold Award at the
Vision Awards of the League of American Communications Professionals (LACP).
Awards 2011
WikIdee receives the Seer Award for "Performance Excellence" - awarded by "Ideas America".
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The project "Im Lot - ausgeglichen bei der Arbeit" (In the Lot - Balanced at Work) won second place in the category Innovative Concepts for Human Resource Management at the German Human Resource Management Award.
Sustainable Operations
The "Silberturm", the former headquarters of Dresdner Bank, receives the silver certificate of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).
Awards 2010
Commerzbank receives the Seer Award for the best international idea management in the category "Finance, News and Business Service".
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Commerzbank has been awarded the "Work and Family" certificate by the Hertie Foundation for the fourth time in recognition of its special family awareness.
As part of its diversity management, Commerzbank receives the Max Spohr Award for its commitment to homosexual employees.
Awards 2009
Commerzbank is recognised for outstanding achievements in occupational health management with the Corporate Health Award.
Commerzbank is the first private bank to receive the "Arbeitsschutz mit System" (Occupational Safety and Health with a System) certificate from the VBG Berufsgenossenschaften.
Commerzbank is ranked 4th in the "Top Employers in Germany" ranking by the research company CRF.
Sustainable Operations
The Commerzbank headquarters in Frankfurt wins the first-ever "Green Building Award" from the city of Frankfurt am Main.
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Sustainable Operations
The environmental management system according to ISO 14001 is externally certified for the first time.