Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A.

in Luxembourg

Frontal view of the office building of Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. in Luxembourg
© Commerzbank AG
The main business of Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. (CFCB) as a Pfandbriefbank under Luxembourg law is the issue of Luxembourg Pfandbriefe (Lettres de Gage) to refinance its public finance portfolio.

As a result of the discontinuation of the public finance business within the Group, the issuance of Pfandbriefe at CFCB ceased in 2013. Since then, CFCB has focused on reducing the value of the portfolio and regularly uses market opportunities to reduce the portfolio.

The Company has an issuer rating of Moody's ("A2", outlook "stable").

CFCB has no longer a Lettres de Gage Rating. Furthermore, since 2013 the Lettres de Gage are not ECB eligible because of regulatory changes relating to CRD IV/CRR (Art. 129).

Role/key data
Managing Directors
Markus Blaes (CEO), Luxembourg
Dr. Christian Schwarz (CFO and COO), Luxembourg
External Auditors
KPMG Luxembourg, Société coopérative, Luxembourg
Cover Fund Auditors
Mazars Luxembourg
Trade and Companies Register
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 30.469
TVA-No.: LU 14147251
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Dr. Patrick Büchel
Chairman of the Board of Directors CFCB
Department Head, Group Treasury - Investment Office, Commerzbank AG
Michael Hacker
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors CFCB
Managing Director Group Finance, Group Accounting, Management Investments, Commerzbank AG
Markus Blaes
Member of the Board of Directors CFCB
Managing Director of CFCB (CEO)
Dr. Christian Schwarz
Member of the Board of Directors CFCB
Managing Director of CFCB (CFO and COO)
Steve Grosche
Member of the Board of Directors CFCB
Department Head, Group Risk Control - Market Risk Treasury, Banking Books & Liquidity Risk, Commerzbank AG