Arrival and contact


  • Travelling by car: Coming from the direction of Germany, the A64 Trier-Luxembourg merges into the Luxembourg motorway A1/E44. Please take exit No. 8 (N51) of the A1 towards “Plateau de Kirchberg/Luxembourg Centre”. Take the middle lane and at the roundabout the second exit onto Av. John F. Kennedy/N51. After 650m take the exit onto Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, and at the roundabout take the first exit (Boulevard Konrad Adenauer/CR232). You are now on Rue Jean Monnet, our office building is after approx. 120m on the right-hand side. The entrance to the free underground car park is located on the left side of the building.
  • Travelling by air: Simply take a taxi at the airport. This is the most convenient way to get to our headquarters at Rue Jean Monnet 5, L-2180 Luxembourg.
  • Travelling by rail and bus or tram: From the main train station to the plateau of Kirchberg, you can take bus or tram, which takes about 15 minutes.


Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A.

  • P.O. Box 321, L-2013 Luxembourg
  • 5, Rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg
